Ok so I admit it I was a bit harsh on Cairns. It's amazing how you can take against a place on first impressions when greeted with monsoon like conditions. Granted, the city centre is a write off but on discovery of the esplanade today (when the sun (!) made an appearence) I was pleasantly surprised, not least by the eye candy provided by the joggers. Sitting here, reflecting on my adventures so far as I approach the half way mark on Friday, I'm really happy with the people I have met. There is Thomas, a German guy who seems to be travelling around Oz in a similar vein to me so we ensure we meet up for a drink at every leg of the journey. There is Pernile, now a Facebook friend, who shared the horrors with me of the Outback hostel and Kurt the Sydney guy who has never had a long term relationship who may come and visit me in London. I've also set myself a challenge to pick up an unusual artifact in each country I visit. So far I have managed to negotiate a really quite impressive painting from a gay Hong Kong artist, and a pretty vase made by a local in Ayres Rock. On the health front, I felt pretty dreadful during the night with a bit of a temperature. Doing my homework, I registered today for Medicare which is kind of like their version of the NHS and discovered that we didn't just export out prisoners but a healthy dose of our beaucracy too. Regardless, following a free visit to a doctor in a 24 hour walk in centre that puts ours to shame and a course of antibiotics should set me straight, so to speak. As has a lovely massage by a charming Scottish chap known as 'the massage guy'. Today being a bit of a 'day off' back to business tomorrow with a visit to Port Douglas with Derek driving!
- comments
Enid Silcock Do you realise that by the time you return home you will have visited all five continents?
Roger Glad to hear you've perked up! Okay, so you had to overcome some bureaucracy to get medical treatment, but if you were in the States they'd leave you in a bleeding heap in the gutter if you couldn't afford to pay on the spot, so count yourself fortunate...
ryanedwards Erm yes I suppose that's true rog, and Enid, yes I do get around!