From Koh Tao to Krabi it took 12 hours by boat and bus, and had to stay over one night, and then took 4.5 hours the next day. I got a beach hut which was where the two lads i met from Koh Tao were which was good. Its a really nice island, but chilled out, which made a good change! got scooters out and looked around caves, and went to see a waterfall which took about 45 minutes to get to and was probably smaller than a house!! it was a f***ing joke haha. On the last night before i left to go to Ao Nang, I was just chilling watching the football with the locals, and i bought the owner a drink who was really sound. I made a couple of bets and we where all having a laugh. Then the owner bought all of my drinks all night and offered me food,weed and opium ha mad. I asked him about the tsunami and he explained that he was on the beach when it happened and he said you hardly ever see waves, and he saw a 10 metre wave coming in so he dropped back and it sucked back really far into the sea. He said it happened again even bigger so He sprinted in to the hills and he could see it still, and all the water of the sea went back about 100 metres, and people were walking out because they could not believe how far the water had gone out. Next a freak wave about 25 metres came right in and everyone was running in to the hills. He said after that, wave after wave came in, and destroyed most of his bar, but only two people died!! I couldnt believe it, it was f***ing mad.
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