Nice short drive today. Still loads to take in. Saw the old circular barn, which was a landmark on the old road, pops posicle store where you can get such delightful sodas as kitty piddle, dog drool and fudpucker flavours.
Got stopped by the feds for speeding but once he realised the nightmare of issueing a ticket to a limey brit,I got a verbal warning. Phew. Exciting tho.
Bought myself a pukker cowboy hat from a cowboy outfitters. I look like an extra from brokeback mountain. Love it though.
We were scheduled to attend a rodeo tonight but due to the weather, and the three minor earthquakes in the area today, it was postponed till September . Boo!
Quiet night in. No driving till monday now so we can chill, ready for next week.
Speak Monday. X
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