The ferry from Athens to Mykonos was 6 hours. The scenery was so different to what i was expecting, but i love it. The island is amazing, the buildings, the small back streets and markets, everything is blue and white and just totally different to anything ive ever seen before.
What can i say about Mykonos.. I can't believe how this place runs, the parties, the beach bars, clubs etc.. Everything is just full on non stop partying and socialising. Restaurants are still operating at bloody 2am. The back streets are backed and the night life is in fine form every bloody night of the week. I have never seen anything like this before. The day clubs/beach bars are well and truly pumping by 2 pm, the major clubs open at 2am and an average night out consists of getting home at 7am at the earliest ouch! The muysic is loud and all the big name DJ's are just pumping out the tunes until the wee, wee hours of the morning, great times!!
On night the four of us ended up spending about 3 hours just dancing on table tops non stop, not looking for any attension from the female variety just generally in the zone having a great time, dominating haha. I think that was by far the best night for all of us, all sorts happened that night, great memories, good photos. haha had one of those silly but awesome moments when we were on the tables. I wanted evan to take a photo of us from the other side of the bar, the floor was packed with people dancing, from a fair way out I threw my camera across to evan who caught it, these moments seem 10x better with too many beers under the belt :p haha good times
Later that night Ross and I caught up with a group of ladies and we all went skinny dipping just outside the bar haha!! the things you get away with in this place. Great fun that night.
During the days Ross and I ride a scooter around town most of the time, very good way to experience more of the island, particularly away from the heavy tourist areas. There are so many aussies here and its nice to escape that and go see what the locals get up to. Every beach has a bar, loud music and too many good looking ladies :p haha. The beaches arent particularly nice compared to what we have back home but the atmosphere is amazing, what a lifestyle some have hey!
- Ryan
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