After a shaky start to the day after a late night in berlin we finally arrived in Prague. It was probably the worst hangover ive had to endure on a bus yet but that's what happens when a few drinks turns into a few too many.
We originally planned a 3 night stay here but on arrival we soon decided to extend to 5 nights. The hostel here is great, there is a pool, sauna and we have a monster room with a private bathroom. There is also a restaurant / bar with pool and foosball tables and best of all the wifi is fast! Prague is relatively cheap, beer is roughly a euro for a pint depending on where you go, food is great and you can get a good feed for around 5 euro if you look around. It is a bit odd converting the currency each time you buy something, the exchange rate from euro is around 1 - 24.
The Czech Republic has the highest beer consumption in the world. Seriously anytime of day just about you can find someone with a pint in their hand. The specialty here seems to be beef goulash with bread or potato dumplings, Big brutwurst sausages and in the middle of the square ham cooked over a flame on a rotisserie.
Prague is a magical place, loaded with buildings and history dating back to the 1200 or even earlier. The town is filled with myths and legends, disturbing political periods and just a medieval feel about it. There are stories of thieves who have had their arm chopped off as punishment, there is actually an arm framed inside a church to warn people not to steal. There are stories of people pushing others out of the top of buildings, there were students who set themselves alight in public in protest against the communist government. Just this totally different place with an interesting yet dark history.
Whilst here we did quite a few tours. We started with an all inclusive tour which included a walking tour of the city and a bit of a run down on the history, a boat cruise, a 3 course lunch with beer of course and a trip to the castle. We also did a brewery tour which included a trip to 3 different microbreweries. One made the original Budweiser before a 'copy' made its way out of the states. Another brewery dated back to the 1400's and had such an atmosphere behind the doors. Another was only around 8 years old but made a delicious dark ale! Yum! Our mate we met in Bruges was here and joined us for this tour and headed out to the 5 story club with us as well, another melbournite to catch up with back home!
We also jumped on board a communism and nuclear bomb shelter tour. We were able to go down into a bunker which was made to house 2500 people. Down there were gas masks and all. It has now been turned into a place where parties are held once in a while complete with a bar and all. It would actually be a very interesting night I think.
Another thing we had to try was the 5 story club! So many people talk about this damn 5 story club so we had to give it a try. It was pretty cool, only around 5 bucks to get in, you can make your way between the floors, its great if you get sick of a certain type of music you just head upwards :p. It was a great night out and I think we only ended up getting to sleep around 6:30am.
We grabbed plenty of pictures around the place and had an absolute blast in Prague. The last day we pretty much sat on our laptops and did some research for our campervan adventure through the UK!
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