Well we made it Xi'an in one piece!! We had to endure a 13 hour train ride. The train was hot and very smelly. However what made the journey a lot more fun was the company and the bottles of Saki. Both bottles were apparently medicinal - Johns was to get you going and to make you strong, mine was meant to be a bit like Viagra - will not tell you what I kind actually coalled it - it was veryrude indeed, Saki certainly does have an aquired taste. We finally arrived in Xi'an and a bad nights sleep and got to the hostel in need of a hot shower.
We had a quick tour of the city and found a bar that is being built especially for the World Cup - and Claire Laver is reading this - it is Called the Liverpool Bar!! The city is an amazing place, i have found it a lot more livelier than Beijing it seems to have a lot more younger people.
In the afternoon, Me, John, Carley and Elise headed off to the shops to have a wonder. Found a Walmart and the place is amazing - there were more workers than customers. there seemed to be a person standing at the end of every isle just in case you needed help!!
We then headed to The Bell Tower that is one of the towers that over looks the cities roads, I got to ring this massive bell - very cool then me and John dressed up in Chinese clothing - one was the emporer and the other his wife - have yet to upload the photos I will leave it to you to work out which was which. Got some great video of the mad driving around these roads has to be seen to be believed.
After that we jyst wondered around and ebentually found this shopping mall that had a lady playing the piano and hardly any of the items had the cost on them - a very expensive place.
Today (4th Feb) we headed to the terracotta warriors. It was an amazing place - well after we had actually got to the main building - our guide was not the best. it was great to see these statues that had been hand built to be all different, but most of them have been reburried so it was a little bit of a let down
well off to explore more of the town tomorrow and hopefully eat some more amazing cakes.
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