It is my last day in Singburi today, off to Bankgok this afternoon. Had only one lesson today, wtih Class 6 again. i taught them about dates today, which i think they mostly got! They are really cheeky but i will really miss them. I have really loved my week teaching and am so glad that i swapped from the orphanage, i have got so mcuh out of it. I gave the children all sweets at the end which they loved. I decided not to stay at the school for lunch as last time they give us chips with sugar on. Yes sugar. but then i would expect nothing else from Thailand. The school gave me a certificate and a little present (some flannels, always useful is suppose!) and they were really lovely and told me they were going to miss me. Said goodbye to all the people i have been staying with here, although some of them are coming to bangkok with me tonight for one night, most of them i will not see again. Then from tomorrow, completely on my own. going to miss my friend AJ that i met hereas we got on really well, but may bump into him as he is off to Vietnam next.
Will miss twin house, the watermelon and pinapple for breakfast lunch and dinner, the sweet toast, rice for breakast lunch and dinner, but wont miss the scary mutant stray dogs, although sure i will see more of them on my travels. Took some pics of the area i have been staying in, and the beautiful river across the road. now for the hectic, polluted life of bangkok.
Happy Birthday katie and katie!!!
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