Did my second day of teaching today, and actually went prepared with a lesson plan. I taught the children about countries, capitals and nationalities today. i think it went well, as they didnt seem to know already about nationalities, and i went through the changes in word endings for nationalities, and got them to say 'I live in...' 'the capital is...' and 'my nationality is...' and then got them to oin up different countries, capitals and nationalities on a sheet i had made for them. Some of the children are quite naughty, and it is quite difficult to keep them quiet and paying attention when you cant tell them off in their own language. i do the old teacher thing of looking them in the eyes and raising my eyebrows. Excellent! I also get to take away notes they are writing to eachother and keep them at the front on my desk. Woah ha ha. it is fun being a teacher as you get to be mean. Had lunch at the school and met another woman, Sheila who must be in her 50's who is doing the same thing. she also was just taken intp a class and left there. it is all quite unorganised, so you just have to go with it. The English teacher still doesnt speak any english. I asked her today if i could have a drink of water, pretty basic english you might think, but her blank face told me that she didnt have a clue. it was only after saying 'water' and 'drink' several times and doing the drinking action and saying it slowly and loudly (like a true brit abraod) before she gopt what i was on about. The kids have no chance! i think a lot of people learn english from text books so doing get any practical experience of hearing or speaking english. It is really sweet, the children bring you (super sweet of course) tea and cakes during the lesson. Tomorrow i am going to teach them about time i think, and have made them some worksheets and have thought of a game i will play. you dont get told what they have learnt in the past or what they should be learning, so i am just making it up as i go along.
Well i am starting to look like more like a traveller now, i have a tan(as my friend here A.J puts it 'It no longer looks like i am haunting people') and my hair has gone very blonde, i have the appropriate beads and braeclets, and i have also been bitten to smitherines. i counted 56 bites just on my legs last night, many of them have turned into nasty bruise type bumps. ouch. I take my shoes of before doing anything or walking in to anywhere, i bow with pray hands instead of saying thank you and am even getting used to the Gekkos living in my room. I also have cold! I am in thailand and i have a bloody cold. have constant runny nose and sore thoat, not good in a country where toilet paper is like gold dust.
I might change when i go to bangkok, as some people are thinking of dong a trip there on friday,a dn it would be better for me to get there earlier, as we dont do much here on weekends so it kind of is a waste of my time to be here just to leave on sunday. i have already booked my accomodation though so not sure what i will do about that.
Anyway, more teaching and possibly pool tomorrow
Lorra love!
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