Hello again,
Still in Ko Phi Phi at the moment, although thinking of leaving forPhuket tomorrow. I think Lee is getting bored of my conversation now so we are looking for somewhere where they play fims in the evingings in the bars, they dont really do that here for some reason, i think because most people who stay here can afford a room with a tv and electricity, unlike us.
So i have been eating more pizza, which i am getting to like. i think i will have to keep eating ones with strong flavours on to cover up the smell of cheese, but so far am liking it.
We said good bye to our two friends we had met, Rosie and Rowan today, and to our two swiss friends yesterday. I am now really glad that i didnt jump off the highest cliff, as it is turing out that everyone is regretting it somewhat. Rhea (the swiss girl who jumped just before i was due to jump, who, when she landed ame up and screamed an awful scream that rowan and i thought that she had broken her leg, and then actually cried in pain for 10 minutes, hence what put me off jumping) had a huge disgusting bruise on her thigh and was in a lot of pain, and Rosie has been in so much pain on her legs (see pics) and chest that she is now considering going to the hospital. Lee has also been suffering with back pain and has a huge bruise making the bruise he had from hwere we crashed the bike so much worse. So now very glad that i didnt do it. So we havent been doing very much for the past couple of days while everyone has been unable to move very much.
As you can see this blog entry isnt very exciting as i havent been doing very much! getting up late, going to the beach, walking into town, eating then coming home.
Ciao for now!
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