Kia Ora (hello in Maori)!
Well since i last wrote i managed to keep myself very busy! On Friday i went on my free tour of the city which was really good. We went to a lot of places that i had looked at in my guide and would liked to have visited but knew i would never be ablet o do so that was cool. we saw the sky tower, when to some maori sites and went on the harbour bridge, which you usually have to pay to get on but we got on for free, and one of the girls in our group did a bungy jump from it. we had to walk underneath the bridge, but unfortunalyt it was raining very heavily and was very windy, so it was hard to stay on the bridge and i ended up getting absolutely soaked, and the rain really hurt!
I had made friends with a really nice German girl in my room the night before, and i went to see her play in a poker competition at the pub and her and some other people tried to teach me how to play poker (not so successfully) and we met an irish guy who told us he was hiring a campervan so Ellen and i invited ourselves along for the ride. so on saturday Ellen, Stuart and I went to the airport to pick up our camper van, only for them to tell us that we wernt allowed to have trhee people in the vam , so i pretended to leave and waitied around the corner and when they got the van jumped back in! We drove up to the Bay of Islands and CApe Reinga, whcih is where the very north of New Zealand is and where the Abel Tasman and pacific oceans meet. We had lots of fun, and it was Stuarts brithday last week so Ellen and i got him a present (a foam plane which he had to build) and a cake. We took a little detour and drove along ninty mile beach, only to end up getting stuck in the sand and having to get a local to pull us out! was still cool and saw some seals. The first night we camped by the beach and woke up to really beautiful views. last night we stayed in a truckers stop and showered in the most disgusting shower in the whole world i think. it was very funny being with them as Ellen's english is good but not perfect and she couldnt understand stuart at all, and for some reason he struggled to understand her at times so i ended up being the translator for both! led to some very funny conversations.
Ellen is coming to Fiji a few days after me so i will have another playmate yay!
Off to Fiji tomorrow, yay some sun!!!!
Kia Ora (also means goodbye)
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