Hiya, eh! (people say eh, at the end of everything),
Well after my last blog entry the next day i went skiing in queenstown, which was one of the best expereicnes i have had on my trip so far. all my life i have maintained that i never thought i would like skiing, but on this trip i came round to the idea a bit, and i can safely say that i loved it! i have never done a sport and fallen in love with it so instantly, i can tell it is something i am going to be involved with for the rest of my life. I very very nearly missed my bus to the snowfields in the morning, i ran up to the bus just as it was pulling away, but as we were driving there i saw the most beautiful sunrise i have ever seen in my life. i tried to take some pictures from the bus but i couldnt really capture it. when i got there i got kitted out with my boots and skis etc and then had a lesson in the morning. everyone in the group was first timers as well. i also then had another lesson in the afternoon. i was really surprised how easy it was to pick up, not that i was any good, it was just much quicker to pick up than i thought it would be. by the end of the second lesson i was able to ski down the green slope on my own. dont get me wrong i wasnt exactly quick and i got stuck on one particularly steep section where i bottled it, but it was just so much fun! i am even thinking of working a ski season somewhere at somepoint (apparently Japan is the new place to go). i only did a days skiing but i really loved it and was sad that i didnt get to do it for longer.
The day after i got back on the stray bus up to Christchurch. rather than getting the bus up to auckland i actaully ended up getting a flight from christuchuch as it worked out cheaper by the time i would have paid for the ferry and the three nights accomodation it would have taken me in between.
So i am now in Auckland until the 18th, when i have a flight booked out to Nadi, Fiji. it is safe to say there isnt much to do in Auckland so everyday i am going to phone qantas to see if there has been a cancellation and i can get there sooner.
I think since i have been away i have become a pretty good lone traveller, i am able to fully utilise tourist infomration offices and occupy my time with as much free stuff as possible (i have never been to so many art galleries and museums in my life). and i am pretty happy with my own company (thank god), but having said that i am getting pretty bored on my own now, there is only so many times i can have the same conversations with myself, so am looking forward to Fiji where i am hoping to meet up with some people i have met on the stray bus who will be there, and also Lee will be in Fiji at the same time as me so i am hoping we can meet up before we go to LA.
So with my time in Auckland i am just trying not to spend any money, today i did a free walking tour (courtesy of the lonely planet book), went to the art gallery (for free) and generally walked around town all day. tomorrow i have booked myself onto a free bus tour (although i i dont think i am going to see anything new, there isnt that much in auckland!). the day after i will go to the museum. after that i really dont know what i am going to do! any suggestions? anyone got any suggestions for a good book? i have just finished 'the life of pi' and need a new book.
Auckland is quite different to Christchurch, the majority of the population is of asian or maori origin so it is very mulitcultural, the complete opposite of christchurch. it is also not a very pretty city, but it is bigger than christchurch. there are a lot of homeless people and i would say it also doesnt feel as safe here. I think that is it for now! not that long til i come home. I will put some of my pictures on now. there are loads of scenery so i will try to limit them as they are not particularly exciting to anyone but me!
Sweet as. (they say that a lot here too)
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