Hello all,
I hope you are all well and enjoyed the wedding celebrations.
Sorry I have not managed to update the blog for the last 5 days - unfortunately there aren't many places with internet in western Cuba. Not looking forward to my flight later, but will be great to see you all again soon.
I won't bore you with everything so will just let you know some random things I have learnt over the past week.
1. You can get sunburnt through a shirt
2. Bring a long poking device - very useful for seeing if insects are alive or dead
3. Cockroaches are very fast, although do not like being bashed with a tray
4. Dogs like Malted Milk biscuits from Sainsbury's
5. However disgusting and sweaty you look men will always hiss and whistle
6. If you are being hassled just say you are from Romania, stumps them every time :-)
7. You will always have the option of roast chicken, fried chicken, and fried pork...for lunch and dinner
8. Rice pudding is never a good idea
9. 1 shot in Cuban terms = about 2-3
10. Cigars are disgusting, even if you can't smoke them!
Even though that sounds like I had an interesting time, it was wonderful and I have learnt so much.
One thing I will say is that Cubans are very proud people. Yes, it might seem like they have very little but what they do have is maintained to the best of their ability.
Sorry in advance for the many pictures that will appear on Facebook - hope to see you all soon.
Lots of love,
Rosie xxxx
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