Hello lovely people,
I have made it! I did nearly go to the wrong gate in Madrid and get on a coach to goodness knows where, and have to go through security twice, obviously they don't trust girls that wear scarfs and look about 15...but here at last.
Anyway, from what I have seen of Cuba so far, it is a really interesting place to be, very straight roads and detailed architecture. Where I am staying is huge, (Hotel Plaza) and I just wish I had learnt some more Spanish before my trip.
One thing I will say is that if I do something like this again then I will definitely drag someone along with is always more enjoyable grinning at someone than talking to yourself...not that there is anything wrong with that of course. However, just make sure your fellow traveller does not mind being used as a pillow on a very long plane journey.
Meeting the group at 7pm tonight...12 midnight your time, so will no longer be a loner.
Hope you are all well, and enjoying a very sunny Easter weekend.
Lots of love, missing you lots,
P.S. Not sure when I will next be able to update this, but at least you know I am not in the Arctic Circle :-)
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