Today my classroom was wildlife and culture. I did 2 things, here is the first one.
I did something very nice.
I went horseback riding. My sister Captain O really wanted to go but I am not a very big fan of horses but…
Maybe I am not a big fan of horses but I am nice so I went just so my sister got to go horseback riding. So we started to go and my horse (Pete) had a problem he would NOT stop putting his head down then up and down then up then down then up then down and on and on and on.
Anyway, I didn't like it at all.
Now I don't want to spend my time telling you about what I didn't like so I will tell you what I though was cool!
It was my first time going cross-country outside of a ring with no one holding on to me (well my horse but I am on my horse of coarse.
I thought it was awesome that I got to ride a horse through a river for the first time! It felt like I wasn't even moving it felt like my horse was on a tread mill! It was also really cool that I was riding where the made the Lord of the Rings movie.
Anyway here is the 2nd fun thing I did today.
I went to a Maori show and there I learned that…
Maori women use instruments that have like a ball at the end then the rest is just string. They are called poi.
On the Maori women that we saw they had 2 poi's tied on to them.
This is how you use them.
You hold the end of the string then you can either put the string up high and let the ball at the end just twirl or you can do that down low too or you can hold the end of the string then just make the ball at the end hit your hips or something like that.
Me and my sisters volunteered to try it up on stage with them so that was just the stuff that I did. The real talented Maori people can really show off!
P.s. I thought that it was sort of hard because the Maoris made me go really fast but it was still very fun!
Now with the Maori boys there was one really interesting thing and that was…
The men/boys sometimes stick their tongue out right down to their long chin then open their nice wide eyes as much as they possibly can! And one really talented man could do that + he can wiggle his tongue too.
Anyway that is how much fun I had.
The End
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