Today my school is the world and my classroom is a silk farm in Siem Reap Cambodia. Here I learned how to make silk. They get the silk from the silk worms. The silk worms are kept in little cages sort of. They are really cool because they have a whole big life cycle and you can get like 400 meters or 4 miles of silk out of the whole life cycle. Here it is. First they mate then they lay the eggs together as a family. Next comes the hatching of the babies. Then they grow into a good size so they can start to weave their cocoon. Then the workers put the cocoon into boiling hot water so the worms come out and die and they get the silk from their cocoon.
The worms eat mulberry leaves and the workers make sure they get their favorite food so they have a whole entire field of mulberry trees. The worms cannot get eaten or that would just mess up everything so they have to think good to make sure that never happens. The workers have to be really clever to make sure that no ants can get up into the building where the worms are. So the workers put water all around the building so that no ants get in because ants don't like water.
The ladies and men then weave the silk threads on handmade looms. One of my favorite parts was going to the souvenir shop after and seeing all the things they made. All the scarfs were so soft and fuzzy and I loved it! What I was really surprised about was… When you looked on a tag and it said hand made on it do you believe that? Well you should because I saw they really do mean hand made they use there feet and hands and they work 8 hours everyday and together from when they first got the silk worm to when it is in a shop it takes 3 months.
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G-Ma I love learning along with you....thanks Rosie!