From time to time we monitor the new photographs that have been uploaded onto Off Exploring, on the lookout for high quality travel images that we can offer as stock photos on the site for others to illustrate their blogs before they upload their own.
But it's the photo of the World's largest frying pan! Not one of my favourites by a long way but I'm happy to share.
It is now! Stange seeing all the photos sayng 'yesterday' and knowing that you're safely back in England. Good luck to you both now in your job hunts. If nothing turns up - you can always come to France again.
The blog's still 'live', so I can still write something, can't I? Brilliant to see you both on Sunday - shame we'd heard (well, read) all the stories already! Still the pics of NY to come though, so it ain't over yet...
Rosa and Kev:
It was wonderful to meet you both and have you stay with us! I'm happy you had such a good time here - we did as well. I hope to see you in Blighty soon, perhaps at Christmas?
Sarah (and Steve)
Poor Caro, thinking she'd be the last person to write on your blog....
As she said, we're so,so,so looking forward to seeing you (both hopefully, if Kev's parents don't mind) and giving you a few huge hugs. Lots of love, enjoy the last bit and have a NY bagel on me. xxx
Hi Kev & Rosa,
In case you log on again before heading back to England, I hope you're enjoying New York and aren't feling too sad that the trip is about to come to an end.
Looking on the bright side, dad and I are looking forward to seeing you again on Saturday when we come to meet you at Heathrow, along with Janet & Philip.
Take care both of you and see you on Saturday.
My aim is to be the last person to contribute to your message board and so ensure I have my place in history. Really, really looking forward to seeing you both on Sunday in Glyn Ceiriog, hope that you won't be too tired. All plans for the diamond wedding party the previous day are in hand (fortuitous special offer on viontage Cava in Tesco this week) and sausage roll, fruit loaf and scone baking starting in earnest tonight. much love,
Caro xx
Just registering my new e-mail address really - though of course it won't be relevant for more than a few days. I went into STA travel in Cambridge on Friday as I happened to be passing and asked whether your blog will be excised from cyberspace the moment you touch down in Heathrow on Saturday and your travels are officially over. Apparently it is nowhere near as joined up as that and you can expect it to be around for a few months yet. I'm not telling dad though, in case he sees it as an excuse to stop the admittedly tedious job of downloading your many (non-tedious) photos.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Gill,nick,jessica And Anthony
Just want to pass on good wishes from the four of us -we have been following your travels -Jess is off to Thailand on Thursday so she is busy with last minute things - enjoy the remainder of your
Hope you are both ok.Have just caught up with your last few photo albums.
Chicago looks amazing from your photos.Fabulous skyline; can't work out which building façade I like best!Having just had another look at the pics I probably like Sears Tower (on account of its awesome sheer ascent into the clouds) and the Hard Rock Hotel as it looks so striking, especially with its "Dr Who Tardis", which seems to have landed on top of it.I also liked "Chicago's favourite building" but you never said what it was called unless I have missed something.I note the Rap band you listened to was called Public Enemy.I presume this was a reference to the famous James Cagney gangster movie made in Chicago in the late 1920s.
I was surprised by the condition of New Orleans; it only seems like yesterday since we were seeing the whole place under water following the breaching of the levees.Thought your boutique hotel was good - seemed better than most London hotels I use.I was also struck by the absence of litter and graffiti which so seems to blight British cities.The food looks good.I like the look of the jambalayas, the Gumbos and the Po-Boy sarnis.Perhaps under your tuition we could import some of these into our Leeds fare when you get back!
From your commentary, I guessed that you were disappointed by Nashville.What did you think of the country band?
I liked the pictures of the Niagara Falls and the mist surrounding it.It reminded me of one of Marilyn Monroe's films that was shot on location there.I have got a DVD of it that you may want to watch when you get back.It shows you the river boat although I am not sure if it is the Maid in the Mist as it was shot in the fifties.
Is it Washington next ?
I like the idea of the architectural boat tour. How cultured!
Looking forward to seeing you both in about 4 weeks and to meeting Philip, Janet and family again. The time seems to have flown by. You blink and another week has disappeared!
I have been just trying to locate Barack Obama's whereabouts for the next few weeks as requested by Kev (with the idea of perhaps attending one of his rallies) but his various websites do not give his itinerary more than one day in advance. Tomorrow for example (13th) he is in San Diego, which is not much use to you now that you are several Greyhound buses away from it. Perhaps it's for security reasons. Hillary has mentioned assasination attempts and I guess he is taking this seriously.
Nonetheless if you go on his website and click on events and feed in the zip code (postcode) of the cities you will visit shortly it gives you forthcoming events run by his team in each locality. (To find a zip codes for a town just feed the formula "zip code for xyz" into Google.) It is unlikely that he in person will be at these events but some may appeal if you have nothing better to do. Probably better to rely on the local press to let you know if any big political event is going down in the cities that you will be visiting in the next four weeks.
Nothing much has been happening in Blighty apart from a it raining cats and dogs.
Mum and I have got a couple of weeks leave coming up after next week so that should be good. Don't plan to do any thing or go anyway just chill. Can't wait!
See you soon.
Take care whilst travelling on the buses and at the stations.