We made it to Obera. After a 14 hour and 500 mile ish bus ride we arrived in Obera about 9:30 AM. Thankfully the bus had fully reclining seats so we we all able to sleep. Once in Obera we met our hosts, Clovis and Mariela, the pastors at Oleus Petri Lutheran church here in Obera. They brought us to our hotel where we freshened up and had a conversation about what our 4 days would look like. They introduced us to Mate tea. Mate tea is the national drink of Argentina. The tea is packed into a gourd and hot water is added. It is drunk community out of a metal straw with hot water added each time a person has finished drinking. It wash as not bad. Lunch was a buffet at the local casino and then we were off to visit some of the church's mission sites around the city. Church members host prayer groups/ bible studies for adults and children in some of the more impoverished areas of the city. We visited two sites this afternoon. We were treated to coffee and sweets at one of the sites. While driving around we stopped at the land the church has purchased for a new building and at the Swedish cemetery. Swedes were some of the first settlers in the area and there are still many people in the area with Swedish ancestry. It was interesting to see the many gravestones with Swedish/Argentinian names. We decided to call it an early night so we brought pizza and empanadas back to the hotel and ate there. So far the weather in Obera is cold and rainy. It is the start of their winter down here, so this weather is to be expected. After the winter we had in Minnesota, we decide to go on vacation and ex
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