Another late start after a late night last night. This time it worked in our favor as the rest of our group arrived while we were eating breakfast. We are traveling with 5 other people from Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. The group that arrived today consisted of one of our pastors, her husband and her sons (Beth, Mark, Nathan, Jacob), and another member of the congregation (Toni). Mark is also the director of Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry. LPGM is sponsoring the trip, so he is in charge. Once they got settled we all had to change some money and then find a place to watch the Argentina v. Nigeria World Cup match. The match started while we where changing money. The transaction took a bit longer because the man working with us had to stop and watch the game and then celebrate when Leo Messi of Argentina scored a goal. Once that was done we found a restaurant and watched the rest of the match (Argentina won 3-2). Our next stop was to the barrio La Boca. We took a bus to the barrio that was the first stop for many of the Italian immigrants at the turn of the century. It still retains a unique atmosphere with it's narrow streets and colorful buildings. It is also famous for the La Bombonara futbol stadium, home of Boca Juniors Futbol Club. Boca Juniors is the most famous club in the country. After touring the stadium we headed back to the center of town pretty quickly as that is not a neighborhood you want to be caught in after dark. Our dinner was spent at an Argentinian all you can eat BBQ restaurant. We had dinner with the heads of the Lutheran church in Argentina. It is late now and I am tired. We are off to Obera tomorrow night on an over night bus. Wifi permitting, I will post again on Friday.
- comments
Colleen Simmons There's a great local artisan's fair/fest up near Ricoleta on Saturdays (or Sundays??); I found out about it a little late and by the time we got up there, we didn't have much time--wished I could have spent hours talking to the local people. Think Uptown Art Fair but much smaller; very cool to see all the local artists and buy your souvenirs from them vs. mass-produced. Can purchase the Mate cups/straws, jewelry, clothing and see a great Tango demonstation for donation!! Much better than the expensive show tickets unless you want to do a formal dinner/show. Colleen