Helloooo everyone. It took us about 3 hours to get from Phuket to Phi Phi by boat, when we arrived like usual we had to walk around for a little while trying to find somewhere to stay. we'd met a guy from manchester called Robert who told us about a guesthouse he'd stayed at before called Johuns Guesthouse which was nice and only 1 minute from the beach. We eventually found it and checked in. After getting sorted and putting our bags down we headed out to look around the small town we were staying with. The town was really nice and full of friendly thai's. We decided to go for something eat, after walking around for a whole 10 minutes we'd worked up an appetite. Thats all me and Adam seem to do, eat! we went to a nice restaurant just down the road from us. I had the masaman curry and adam had the penang curry, they are amazing. so since that moment we've been living off thai curries. We're planning on doing a cooking course soon so we can cook all these amazing dishes when we get back. I'm just thinking of teaching my mum, she's a better cook and im sure she'll appreciate the cooking lesson.
That night we took it reasonably easy and had a few beers on the beach, out of the 4 nights it was the only easy night we had. After been in Phi Phi a couple of days we booked a boat trip around the island. After arriving at the port we boarded our boat and headed out to sea. The 1st place we stopped was a small beach on an island which was inhabited with monkeys. We had the choice to either swim 100 metres to the island or be taken over on a small boat. adam dived in so i followed. The water was lovely and warm but i hadn't swam 100 metres in some time and nearly drowned lol When we reached the beach all the monkeys came over, we fed them bits of fruit and adam got chased by one. We just spent about 20 minutes with the monkeys then it was back on the boat. Next port of call was a lagoon surrounded by mountains, it was beautiful. All the waters around Phi Phi were crystal clear with lots of marine life! Me and Adam got a pair of swimming goggles and some fins and went diving. The coral was so colourful and we saw loaaaads of fish, i chased a few small fish under the water because they were'nt too fast! After snorkling we all got back in the boat and headed over to Maya bay, which is where the beach was filmed with leanardo decaprio. We actually arrived on the otherside of the island to where the beach was filmed. We had to dive from the boar and make our way through an arch in the rocks, which lead to a path down to 'the beach'. The beach was amazing, we walked around for a while and took some pictures. Then we went for a swim and talked mostly about the tsunami and how bad it would be if it went off while we were in the water. LUCKLY, it didnt :) By this time the sun was coming down and everyone was getting back in the boat. Once everyone was on the boat we headed out of the cove between the two enormas rocks. The boat stopped and we all watched the sun go down, it was incredible! Just to add a bit of tack to the moment pure shores came on the speakers by all saints. the song from 'the beach' even tacky efforts like that6 couldnt spoil an awesome day. Me and adam both agree that it was one of the best days of the trip! so far......
That night we went to celebrate a great day, we celebrated by drinking a bucket after a lot of beers. a bucket is litrually a small bucket full of so much booze. Ours had Gin, Vodka, Rum and red bull. The night definatly took a turn for the worst after that lol Moments later on the street on the way to another bar, i turned around to see adam been held by a thai police man. The police man had seen adam peeing in a bush, adam was drunk and tried to convice the police officer that he was seeing things and he had actually been peeing at the resorts toilets just behind the bush. not really a fool proof lie, but what can you expect from an intoxicated adam parker. The police officer had adam by the arm and was trying to take him somewhere. I've heard alot about thai police and I know its bad news to get involved with them. I put 100 baht in my hand about 1.50 pound and shuck the police officers hand and said something like lets just forget about it lol then the police officer backed off and me and adam went on our way. we cant rememeber anything else of that night, we just have a few photos of adam riding someone bike and me eating a curry in my underwear back at the guesthouse.
For the remainnig couple of days we had a couple more drunken nights involving running around a thai boxing ring doing impressions of WWF wrestling and trying fire dancing, where i actually set my hair on fire. Phi Phi was one of the most beautiful islands we've been to on this trip and recommend anyone to go! After Phi Phi we headed to Krabi, we only spent one day there because we were just breaking our trip to Koh Phangnan. We'll update some more blogs soon.
Love, Rick xxxxx
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