Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the blog for the party that we'd been told to go to about 5000 times by different people we met along the way since the beginning of this trip, The Ko Phangnan Full Moon Party!
Me and rick set off on a long journey from Krabi to the island of Ko Phangnan with the intention of partying our english arses off with the rest of the 10 thousand and odd people attending this octobers party. When we got aboard the ferry to the island we got talking to 3 American lads from the sunny state of Californi. They invited us up to the roof of the boat for a laugh and a few beers so of course we joined. There was Kareem, AnKUSH andnon other than our homie Jordan. The boys were from LA and were travelling thailand for a month and turns out we were destend to spend our time in Ko Phangnan together.
Our first night was spent on a small beach on the western side of the Haad Rin penninsula in a small bungalow hut right on the beachfront. We loved it as soon as we got there but of course all we could think about was getting food haha!
The next day we moved down into the town of haad rin right by the beach where the full moon parties are held, we stayed at another bungalow a bit further back from the beach. That night we met up with the boys and we went to a huge pool party at coral bungalows about 5 mins away from where we stayed and it was mental! We started out pretty mellow with a few beers by the bar as it was pretty quiet so we were doubting the place at first and jordan got a couple of shots in so that he had the guts to go and talk to some swedish girls lol he made it out alive i think...
Then as the night progressed everyone just got drunker and drunker and drunker and eventually everyone was getting pushed in the pool so we felt left out, we didnt have any swim shorts on so we just stripped down to our boxers and dived in! haha it was insane untill we had to dry off with no towel! haha
The next night was the pre full moon party on the beach. Now, we'd heard that the pre full moon party was even better than the actual full moon party because it wasnt as packed, we have to dissagree with this as i will soon get to, but me, rick and the boys had a different idea for this particular night. We heard and got advised to climb "magic mountain" which was right at the very end of the beach kind of secluded up a big hill. The first thing we all saw was a sign that said Special Shakes on it so we already knew what we were in for...
We sat down and ordered a mushie shake each (yes we are sorry parents lol) we drank this whole thing and sat there for about 45 mins and didnt feel anything so we just chilled out under lots of weird lights and patterns on the roof looking down on the pre full moon party (also full of uv lights and shiny things. I wont go into too much detail about this night as you wont be able to imagine it like we did lol but basically me and rick could not stop laughing untill we started crying it was uncontrollable. We eventually stood up slightly dazed and made ourself a challenge to go down to the beach, which we were already scared at the thought of. Some guy was telling us that it took him and his mates all night to walk from one side of the beach to the other, we were confused at this as we just said "mate why didnt you just walk straight through, it would take literally 10 or 15 mins" and as soon as we got down there we realized! It took us 3 hours to walk from one side of this beach to the other lol we just got distracted by every little thing. At one point we felt like we were in lord of the rings on a mission, and it certainly looked like it too. Jordan ended up buying this laser pen which we could not stop laughing at coz he looked like a little boy playing with a toy light haha it was so funny honestly.. anyway our adventure took us to places we'd never been before and ill leave it at that!
Ok so the full moon party, wow. It was one hell of a night seriously... we all decided to go mental and dress up as this seemed to be what everyone else was doing, we bought luminous sweat and head bands and body paint. We covered ourselves in little drawings and bright things, we looked awesome! (see photos) I even had a piece of smiley cheese on my stomach!
Well i can honestly say that we were pretty wasted all night/morning so i cant remember that much! We went out and it was packed! there were 10.000+ people there all going mental partying like its 1999 and we had the pleasure of many buckets filled with bottles of vodka/whiskey you name it. There were some amazing fire dancers on the beach all synced with the beat of the music and lights flashing everywhere, people selling flashy lights and plastic things to wear it was crazy. There must have been about 15 bars on the beach all armed with different music genres and their own dancefloor which were all full! The best part of the night was at about 5 in the morning when the sun came up. It was beautiful and the party was slammin! the beats were going till 11 in the morning, i think we retired about 9! haha it was one of the best nights we've had i reckon and the americans loved it too.
We bought a dvd aswell because we're on it!! theres a guy filming and we run across the camera dancing and going nuts! we just had to buy it!
Ill also mention this so we dont forget it but there was a resturant called momma shnitzals which sold the BEST grilled chicken sandwhiches in the world for just 90p! and they were huge, we all had fights over the many choices of sauces you load the sandwich with and, well we ate there atleast twice a day!
I thought this blog was going to be longer but all we really did on the island was sunbath and get wasted! our intentions completed! :-)
So yeah you'l have to see the dvd when we get back, take a look at the photos, we have loads more on facebook, check it!
love adam x x
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