"I've found something for you to do" were his opening words on returning from work. "Ok, what is it?" "You're going to make stuff for Soundsplash!" Not quite knowing how to respond to a suggestion that involves me actually leaving the house and doing something when unfortunately "making stuff" is far from my forte - boredom won, "I'll do it!"
Soundsplash is an ecco reggae festival held in Raglan. Every year more than 5,000 people flock here to set up camp and hear the home grown talents. The first meeting was held at Donald's house - the local barman/fireman/coastguard/caretaker/actor and apparently set-maker too! He had gathered a group of us at his house to begin work, and as it turns out to have a good ol' Kiwi barbie! The "making stuff" ends up being not only enjoyable, but fairly straight forward too - this could be fun! Our evening turns out to be more social than hard work and we come away with not only a project, but a few more names and faces in Raglan.
I can only describe the items that we are making as fairy wings, because that's what they look like to me! After collecting bamboo, we strip it of the small sticks and leaves, bend it to form a "P" shape then cover it in tracing paper. I'm sure it sounds awful, but I was simply glad it was something I could do!
Over the next few weeks Richard brought me home supplies and we made them in the garden together, shipping them off when ready. I had no idea how they were to be used at the festival, but Donald assured us they would look great as he'd done this before.
For a bit of cash - and due to the fact that I have absolutely nothing else to do! - I also peel 1000 oranges to be used in a juice van at the site. After 7hrs and some additional help from a pro (thanks Rich!) I remove my stiff, aching, blistered and very sticky self from the chopping board - not the easiest $100 I've ever earned that's for sure!!!!
The weekend of the festival arrived and as thanks for helping out with the setting we were both given tickets - not bad considering they were $140 each! We headed up on the Friday afternoon and were greeted by the sight of our previous weeks labouring - huge great poles with hundreds of "fairy wings" attached to them. The effect was amazing as the sun shone straight through them giving them a much more professional look than the simple bending and gluing of bamboo and tracing paper!!! After admiring our handy work we headed in to the site to look around.
It safe to say it was a little smaller than Glastonbury! After suitably perusing the area we headed to the beer tent - the only place on the whole site where you could buy and drink alcohol - hmm, we can't see the stage from here, but we can't drink by the stage - decisions, decisions......... I'm sure you've guessed where we ended up!!!! Unfortunately due to our severe lack of income the drink with the best value for money we could find was bourbon and coke!
The music over the weekend was great and the atmosphere all round fantastic. Very different from anything we've seen or done in Raglan so far. I even bonded with a few other crutch wielding entrants and compared injuries - I won on all accounts ;o) Due to my lack of speed I also had one of my crutches fly posted with a "stop seabed mining" sticker - not sure the hospital are going to like that!!!!
A great weekend that we've not only witnessed but participated in too.
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