Noodles and rice sounds good to me! I've eaten too many cakes & sausage rolls and feel fat! It is absolutely freeeeeeeezing here; did you get each other any christmas prezzies? Any way pics are amazing and the beaches look stunning; take care travellers x love Carly & Michael
Merry Christmas Hannah and Richard!!! x
Richards Dad
Hi hope you have a great christmas, don't spend too much on mars bars HO HO HO.
Hi Rich & Hannah,
I have just been browsing the photos. Some good ones! Did the camel run when you were on it? I remember it being a bit painful.. You have certainly caught the sun. It has been really cold here although the weather is more mild now for some reason.
Cairns will be very humid when you get to Australia, a truly magnficant country. Enjoy exploring it. I hope you have a good Christmas. Perhaps get together with other backpackers
love Nath
Rich & Hannah
Hey because were on an island with one computer for the population of 100,000 we cant add a new blog yet! were on this island (Pangkor) in malaysia for xmas before we head 2 singapore on the 26th. Enjoy your Christmas everybody. HO HO HO.
Hi Guys, glad you're having a great time. We've benn taking the mickey out of Amy Angel but not too much. Can you bring some wood back for the fire as your mum is hiding it in the safe. Enjoy your Christmas and New Year. All the best, Rory.
Richards Dad
Villa beat Bolton 4 - 2 today, hope you are both ok
hey hope your both ok, both looking extremely burnt richard what is wrong with your foot? it looks like a giant bruise unless your just dirty which is equally as likely. which leads me to my next point please stop taking photos like that and more of where you are as it would be nice to see the areas! lol hope you have a good xmas speak 2 u soon xxxx
Sarah Goodearl
Erm im confused where r u now??? After u leave Thailand on the 9th which was yesterday..... erm ur whole timetable is mesed up now haha!!
And since when does dad really come on here and write.. but i shall tell him to write Hannahs Dad as the name just in case haha!!
Chloe misses ur cuddles very much and so do i!!!! :( hehe every1 sends their love!
Oh n btw im sooo jealous of ur tans already!!!! gr! lucky! The only thing ill b getting atm is frost bite! ha!
Love uuuuu Xxxxxxxxxx
Richards Dad
Ok but not sure Hannah's dad would have been watching villa! Did you know they won 3 - 2 Ashley Young scored inthe last 12 seconds. This was after Everton had evene'd the score in the last minute - were thay gutted or what!
Rich And Hannah
Hey ''Dads'' we've both decided that apart from the most recent message we cant decided which dad is which, so can you put either your name or richards dad...hannahs dad etc!! Thanks!!
Watching villa at the minute, they are drawing with everton at 1/2 time, let you know how it ends tomorrow!