Just watching Villa Portsmouth, Villa 1-0 up debut goal by Heskey. But against the run of play really. Potsmouth have had 6 corners to Villa's 1! Great pic of you surf boarding! Let you know what the FT score is soon
Richards Dad
Hi Not been in touch for a while, too busy working! Villa are still doing ok scraping wins. Still cold and wet here but no snow just yet! Glad to see you are having a great time, we don't envy you at all!!!! Keep in touch
Yvonne Lindley
Hi just a quick note to say i am keeping up with all your exciting news.Lots of love Mum
Mum Goodearl
Hi precious ones lovely to hear and see all your news. Missing you very much but so pleased you are having a great time. We are all ok. Christmas not the same without your ' big ole smiley face' loved your card Hannah you cheeky thing, but sorry to say you forgot to enclose the big fat cheque. looking forward to seding your next pics. love you.
Hi Hannah & Richard,
Happy New Year to you both!
Glad to hear you're off to Fraser Island just watch out for the Dingoes!!
Have fun xx
Sarah-Jane And Morgan
Happy new year guys - your pics are awesome!!
keep enjoying :) xxx
Happy New Year!! xx
Harriet Duckworth
Just looked through your photo's it looks so amazing, I am sooo Jealous!!! Miss you guys, I can see your having the time of of your lives. Look forward to seeing how you get on in Australia...have fun. Love Harriet xxx
Hey Carly! i would prefer cake than noodles. Searched for christmas cake but had no luck :( hehehe. We did not get eachother a present as we wanted to pig out on christmas day. Saying that with the money we had left over I got a cheap wooden bracelet which I love. Hope you got some good presents. Love u lots xxx
Richard its been a while mate. I hope that beer mat colletion is grownig mate cause I wana see how much of your holiday time round the world was spent in pubs!! Probably alot but hope your both enjoying it and dont forget your not aloud to shave mate lol enjoy it and stay safe bud. Georgey boi. x
Richard its been a while mate. I hope that beer mat colletion is grownig mate cause I wana see how much of your holiday time round the world was spent in pubs!! Probably alot but hope your both enjoying it and dont forget your not aloud to shave mate lol enjoy it and stay safe bud. Georgey boi. x
Richard its been a while mate. I hope that beer mat colletion is grownig mate cause I wana see how much of your holiday time round the world was spent in pubs!! Probably alot but hope your both enjoying it and dont forget your not aloud to shave mate lol enjoy it and stay safe bud. Georgey boi. x