Hi just to let you know Richard Fitton as had another baby girl named Madeliene.By the time you get this message i think you will be in New Zealand.Keep in touch Love Mumx
Yvonne Richards Mum
Great to talk to you yesterday.Blog when you get to your next destination.Lots of love Mum
thanks for the nice comment about our hostel.
Enjoy your travels
Alison and Kadir [ port fairy]
Yvonne Rich Mum
Hi Claire kindly showed me your Face book pictures of your travels.They are amazing.Can not believe you have gone so blond or is it ginger tee!Keep in touch we like reading your blog posts all about your adventures.Lots of lovexMUM
Richards Dad
G,day cobber, like that! Just read your latest update. Can't believe the car was cheaper than the bus how much was it? Shame about the photos although Charl says you have put some on Face Book so will try and look on there. Villa Everton this afternoon in the cup, so going to watch that before we take Charlotte back to Uni. Just cleaned your car out, should have used it for work because the battery is as flat as the preverbial! I melted the jump leads tyring to start it, so its over to the garage next week. I will leave the bill in the car for when you get back, hope thats ok! Anyway thats all for now, mum sends her love to both of you - keep enjoying the experience. Catch you later.
Me & Sarah are catching up on all your travel news; we are both so jelous! Big time!!! Glad u are both having such an amazing time. When do you come back to England? x love carly and sarah x x x
Richards Dad
Hi another win for Villa now third Spurs are drwaing with Arsenal with 10 minutes tio go s look to be in third for rest of week at least! Snow melting but more on the way, unlike trhe bush fires in Australia. Just watching Wales Scotland rugby, went to twickenham yesterday to see England Italy, not a great match but we won in the end. Had a good few pints of guiness though. Mum says hi she is doing the ironing as all good mum's should! Catch you later all the best to you and Hannah. Keep updating teh blog
Weather here terrible.I have just slipped on black ice feel as thoughsome one as kicked me with a mule.The air was blue as i landed with my legs in the air thankfully no one was around to here me cursing like a trooper.No affence to troopers.Envious of the great weather you are having.Love Mum.PS must stop typing with my nose
Richards Dad
Hi just to let you know the South East is covered in snow, not been in to work today roads quite bad. Yes we are ready fro the big freeze while you are living in a heat wave! Villa only managed a draw this weekend although how they di not score I will never know.
don't lie richard....could have sworn it was hannah
Richards Mum Yvonne
Great to hear from you this morning everything sounds amazing .The weather here is awful damp & raining im sure that is one thing you are not missing!!!Keep us posted Love you MUM
Ricahrds Dad
Just managed to win, despite Portsmouth having 20 corners to Villa's 6! Finaklresult 1-0 Villa