Hey guys, sounds like you are having a fabulous time. Very jealous and I bet you are not missing the cold over here xxx
Hi great 2 hear what u been up 2. Sounds like u having a great time. ENJOY. Luv 2 u both. Av, Deane and the kids x x
Sarah-Jane And Morgan
haha guys - 'welcome to asia' (the photo uploading gayness hehe) sounds like your having an awesome time, we are so jealous.... just a tip incase your not aware - look for internet cafes with online gaming posters covering the windows - they seemed to be the fastest connection for the photo uploading and internet in general :)
keep updating your blog and having lots of fun... we're looking forward to more stories and pics
love yoooou xxxxx
Hannah & Rich
Hey all! we are trin our best to upload the pics for you all to see but we are not having much luck with computers!!! check out our blog entry will try again in the next few days,
Sorry xxxx
Hello Guys!
hope the travelling is going well,
its weird not having you in southampton! miss you loads! hope your having an amazing time.
Mucho love travellers!
Commo you two I wanna hear about what you've done xxx
got your e-mail, i've sent you one back, miss you!
This is a message richard sent me, as he is rubbish at usng this blog site!
Taj Mahal was unreal, did a tiger safari but didnt spot any, its really rare 2 tho! saw a crocodile and i got nearer than anyone e;lse the blog site wont work in india 4 some reason but were gonna try soon or maybe wait 2 hong kong when the computers are probably minature and u can take then around in your ear or something.
John Pettman
You two must be having far too much fun to be worrying about vivisting an internet cafe and updating this site...lol Look forward to seeing some pictures...
Derek Lindley
Rich - HK Hotel directions.Don't do taxi it's cheaper to take bus A21, HKD33 person, takes 45 mins to arrive in the district, get off at the 12th stop. Then, see the below link to find the way how to get to our building - Mirador Mansion on no.62 Nathan Road. http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=WccCvajUMdo Since if you take taxi, there will be a long long way to walk to the ordered-taxi stop and costs a lot of time as i don't think foreigners could find the place.
Derek Lindley
All just heard from Richard, he and and Hannah are doing well and having a great time. Apparently the PC's and teh phones in India are rubbish! They will update the site when they get to Hong Kong next week.
Will Hitchcock
Come on now you two lets have a little update as to whats going on. hope your both ok