So after splurging 14 pounds on a bus cama (sleepr bus) service from sucre to la paz we arrived in the early hours of the morning. and survive the night buses in Bolivia!
We got to the hostel but we couldnt get in as no one was in despite it being a 24hour reception, eventually 30mins later some girl let us in and told us the people are rarely here! Eventually they arrived and we checked in got our stuff together and headed out.
La Paz is a really nice city we just wondered up and down all the different streets and we came to a protest of som sort, there were so many people but we had no idea what they were protesting about but apparently they do it a lot! The main sqaure is nice but a little small with loads of pigeons and people trying to sell you bird food and take pics.
After more walking around we discovered a huge mountain in the distance covered in snow. For some reason we decided to walk to a better viewing point even though the view we had was pretty awesome. Needless to say we got lost and didnt get to a bettre viewing point, but on the plus side we found a restaurant which served, soup for starter then chicken, chips, rice, salad and a drink for 75p!! After we got back to the hostel we just relaxed and in the evening went out for a meal, this time pizza for 1.50. After a pretty long day we crashed out and went to sleep at 9.30!
The next day we walked around the famous witches market, it is amazing with so many things you can buy. We were going to wait and get some souveniers from Cuzco but its s cheap on our last day here we are going to buy it all here. The markets were all hustle and bustle which was nice to see everybody going about their business and watching how everything ticks! We went into a huge church but inside everything seemed a bit christmassy with flashing lights and what looked like tinsle dresses on all the statues. In the evening we met up with Craig and Lisa in their hotel just round the corner, it had a bar and we grabbed food there too. It was pretty cheap and a litre of beer is only 1.40.
The next day we decided to walk to the san pedro prison which has been made famous by the book marching powder. the cellmates have keys to their cells and their families can come in and have meals with them. We were told that if you get the right guard and give himj a bribe he will show you around. We decided against it as we have also been told that they sometimes dont let you out unless you give them more money and sometimes they try to sell you cocaine and then the guards get you when you walk out down the road. Crazy stuff!
Anyway we will be leaving in 2 days time to head to copacobana on Lake Titicaca for aor last stop in Bolivia, we are both definately going to miss it and its been 1 of the highlights of our trip so far, especially as we had no idea we would come here. Hope everything is ok back home and your all looking forward to seeing us!!!
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