After 4 enjoyable days in La Paz we headed for our last destination in Bolivia...Copacabana on Lake Titicaca. The journey down was pretty amazing with amazing views of the surrounding countryside and Lake Titicaca itself. As we arrived we found a hostel for only 2.50 per night.
There is a huge hill which overlooks the llake and the town so we decided to head up it (as practice for the inca trail) it was quite steep and pretty tiring and we didnt quite make it to the top in time for the sunset so we decided we would go again.
After a bite to eat we wondered around all the stall selling loads more traditional souveniers.
The next day we decided to go and explore some ruins around the town. We searched and searched but many weren´t where they were supposed to be or were dissapointing. So we just walked along the "beach" right to the end, it was pretty warm, definately one of the hottest days we have had in a while. After some food and lunch we decided to walk the big hill again giving us plenty of time to get up for sunset. When we arrived we weren´t dissapointed, the views were even better in the light of day and then when the sun started to set it was pretty amazing.
We are both definately going to miss Bolivia (and its cheapness!) but tomorrow we head for our last destination Peru and neither of us ccan believe how time has flown. It doesn´t seem 2 seconds since we left for India! See you all real soon Rich and Hannah.
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