South America!!!!!!!
Our final continent of the trip and one we are both looking forward to while at the same time being slightly nervous about!
After leaving fiji at 8.45am waiting 5hours in Auckland we finally arrived at 1pm on the same day!!! We didnt get off to the best start as hannahs luggage didnt come through the belt at santiago airport!! We told the guys and they said they thought it would arrive tomorrow, Hannah was pretty upset and we didnt think 24hours was gonna happen and we would have to wait in Santiago for ages....luckily they were completely right and the next day hannah got a call and they delivered it to our hostel free of charge!
After this minor nightmare and being very jet lagged we set off for a wander around the city. Its a pretty cool place and very chilled out and we walked through the main town and around all the imprresive looking buildings. Santiago is a pretty cool city but eventually we were so so tired that we had to head back and go to bed. The time differences and the fact we had 6 main meals over the course of the day probably didnt help!!!
Our 3rd and final day in Santiago we spent arranging a bus into agrentina. THis was the 1st opportunity to really speak some spanish. We managed to find the metro station and get to the bus terminal pretty easy. and after finding the bus terminal we went to purchase the tickets, everything was going well untill the lady asked for our passports and visas. We hadnt even thought about it (we both think we are still pretty jet lagged!!) luckily i asked if we could bring it when we left (frantically looking through the phrase book!) and she said that was fine!!! It was pretty good when she gave us the ticket and it said all the stuff we wanted times and dates etc.. and we both think we´ll do alright with the whole spanish thing!!! In the afternoon we headed to the viewing point of the city. The cable carts were not working so we trekked it half way up. The city is surrounded by mountains but because its so polluted they did not come out in the pics.
Anyway next stop Argentina and from what we´ve heard so far the biggest/best steaks you will ever eat!!! Hope everything is OK back home and i bet you cant believe we´re in South America already...because we cant either!!!
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