so here i am again trying to catch up on the past... this time taking you to the perinthian islands...ooooooo how very exciting.... was only about 2 weeks or so ago but feels like forever... we rearlised we could go after our short stay at zeck's guest house who assured us it was still open even thow a great number of islands where closed due to it being the monsoonn seasons! so after we booked up with him his wife decided to tell us of the previous year when a europian couple had gone there an chose to stay on the far side of the island where noone else was in a chalet for free... but due to bad wheather eneded up gettin stuck and had to fish with the locals to survive!!! brilliant we thought... sounded like a nice chilled out place to we was picked up early the next morning by there personal taxi driver... who was in one of them really old american cars! an was very similar to danis car 'lionell' as it needed a good wack on the starter moter to get it going! once we arrived at the port all the ticket counters were closed and they told us to just pay the man on the boat... (they were all closed cos no egit would go there this time of year!) so the boat was nothing like the speedboat that took us to lipe... just a small wooden longboat type thing with a bigger engine... did the job and the entertainment on board was in the form of a strange bloke oppostie us... a lone traveler ... and to me it was quite obvious why he was on his own... he was a nut job.. complete fruit loop... but dani found him hillarious so kept the convo going with him... we asked hime where he was from but he said there was no answer to that question as he has lived in so many different places! so now you see why i thought he was a bit strange! as we pulled up just of the shore the island did look very nice... not as nice as lipe but the sun was shining an the sea was calm... at this point the same as lipe we had to transfer into a smaller local boat to take us to shore... but this time the local man decided he was going to charge 3 rm a head to get there!! it was a joke even if it was only like 70p for the both of us but there is no point arguing as there is no other way you can get there...but our new best friend decided to pipe up an have ago... an after a bit of a heated discussion we couldn't help but laugh at the local mans excuse of it being to cover petrol costs!! considerind we was about 100 meters from the shore! eventually we all paid and the engine was started up for about 30 secs and then turned off again... he didn't even use the petrol then... he just jumped out an pushed it the rest of the way!!! the strange man wasn't best pleased but we foudn it v funny... so as far as the accomo goes on the island most of it was shut... there was two options... well thats what we was told... the frst one was maybe slightly better but there was building works going on outside the front so we went for option 2 50rm for 2 nights so about 3 quid a night for both of us... but the place was a bit of a dump... the beds were dirty an gritty with stains and all sorts... but like we try to say u get what you pay for... an the bathroom followed suit with mouse/rat dropping on the floor..mmmmm nice but hey was only two nights an was cheap. we pushed the two single bed together in the middle of the room so we could put the mosquito net up to cover the both of us... as we did this we rearlised the bed against the wall was hiding possibly the biggest gecko ive ever seen... an even thow we know there harmless we both shat ourselfs!!! i went out side an in my manliest voice called one of the workers to come an remove it... but when he told us there good to have as they keep out spiders snakes and mossy's we decided to live with him an named him ' herman' and he caused us no probs! while were on the subject of animals an lizards let me tell you about some of the other creatures... well one in particular... even thow herman was the biggest lizard weve ever seen he did not come even close to the monitore lizards that roam the island... these things are seriously huge!!! when we went for a walk we saw one sleeping that we estimated to be about the same size as dani!! an for a lizard id say that pretty huge... the beach we was on is pretty much the only place we could go... we did walk to the otherside but the paths are slippy an building works are going up as its low season and the other beach is nothing to be desired... most of our time was spent on long beach soaking up the sun! also another thing we quicly came to terms with was that you have no chouice about where you eat... there was only one place... an supllies where limited... an anyone who knows how long dani takes to choose what food to have can probably understand the problems we had in a restaurant when the waitress just constantly said ' no.. we not have' and then left dani looking for another 5 mintutes at the menu before getting the same reply agin to her next choice! but the food we did eventually get here was quite nice on a whole. theres loads more i could go on about but im gonna cut it short for now. been on here far to long and there loads of 'learning' to be done... speak to you soon..byee
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