The glaciers are melting, they have retreated km's in the last century,there are floods, no wildfires,the bears are dying, plants are disappearing,it's the hottest Summer since 1901.
How often are we bombarded with these "scientific facts", Al Gore has millions more he wants to make, the "scientific world"wants increased funding, the looney left want recognition by changing history.
Still well meaning citizens are still believers of this fake news.
Teachers push these unproven "facts" school textbooks are being rewritten to unëducate the next generation".
So many people don't take the time to stand back and say "Wow nature is taking it's course and there lies the truth"
I have travelled the Kananaskis country to the West of Calgary and it never ceases to show that nature does what nature wants to do. It traces some of the great events (natural not man made) that has occured well before modern Scientists & Geographers even existed and certainly before climate records were kept.
The natural features have formed regardless of man whether that be First Nations, traders, settlers or the oil industry,they are so mighty that even the presence of cultural features such as roads,hydro electric plants,settlements,farming etc all must and still take second place to the course of nature.
The glaciers were present, they shaped the landscape,they contributed to the vegetation,the life forms and then retreated, without the assistance of man and carbon credits. Really anyone with that quote "än ounce of sense"can see a piece of paper bought from someone who has no rights in the first place to sell the carbon credit, has no chance of changing the path of nature.
This area continues my story of the 2013 floods in Calgary and the path from the Rockies of the Bow & Elbow Rivers. It is here in Kananaskis Country the foothills to the Rockies that the snow coverage melts in spring and gravitates downhill into a series of lakes such as Upper & Lower lakes and when filling the overflow moves Eastwards into a whole series of lakes,ponds, over falls,past man made picnic areas, is trapped and used to manufacture hydro electricity but as natural events occur so nature at times defies man made structures and wrecks and pounds man in ways they would not prefer.
The resulting natural landscape contains a unique mix of shapes and forms many of which are classic glacial features that I have mentioned before so lets now throw in a new one -a Nuntaks. You can read in my accompaning photo album how they are formed but more importantly the photos show just how unique and beautiful they are.
It is not only the landscape that nature has carved that is of interest but also the vegetation patterns from the pine forests that create and are at the same time threatened by wildfires to the abundance of wildlife.
Of special mention is the Rockcrawler. This insect has survived an ice age (without holding any carbon credits,nor was it drown by rising sea levels) and today still survives without human interaction. Infact it has adapted so well to cold that if one is held in the human hand the bodies natural temperature will kill the rockcrawler.
More commonly the tourist is drawn to the Kananaskis to try and witness the everchanging parade of Canadian wildlife who call the area home. This time of year the Bear both Grizzly and the Black bear are gathering berries,such as Juniper & Rose Hips, to boost body weight before retiring to a cave for the long winter. Bear alerts were common in most of the areas as one part is a common breeding ground for the bears. Interaction continues between man and the bear at this time of the year.Elk, deer,cougars,skunks,moose are all likely to be sighted while travelling,hiking,fishing or participating in water activities.
Man made his presence felt by constructing a golf course then nature provided the 2013 flood and the Government continues to pour millions of tax payers dollars in reconstructing the Japanese owned golf course and some 4 years later almost half of the course has been finished but not opened. Who will win tax payers dollars or nature most likely the Japanese investors will eventually get a handout and sayanora home while the river resumes it's natural course.
The accompaning photos will tell you more about the true beauty of the Kananaskis - a wildeness discovered-touched-modified by never conquered by man and definately not by Global warming, Climate change or whatever terms the looney left next invent to create history.
- comments
Laura Written with passion, a clear understanding of poultry politics, and an obvious love of this magnificent country,a clear insight to perspective visitors, I would like to go there one day. Do Bears in Canada give "Bear Hugs" to tourists.....????
Greglane Christopher you are so articulate on paper regardless whether one agrees with you or not you put your case so well. Brilliant photos.
Laura The photos that go with this Blog are stunning and beautiful and a credit to the photographer......
Christopher The bears will give you an endless hug and gulp you down, well some will. I have other real life encounter photos I will show you one day including a Black Bear face hitting my face, yes a real live one!
Christopher With my unbridled love for all things Geographical and my education in Geography I write from both the heart and knowledge tree. The countryside is so beautiful lovely photos come at the click of the button, but thanks