Hey hun, hope you are all good and things are ok? chat soon have loads of fun. xxx
Hi Rebecca,
Hope all is well, Bert & Iris say hello and hope your keeping well. Bert wants to know if you've tied any kangaroo's down yet.
Keep safe.
Love Mum. xxxx
Debi Smith
hey chicken!
it was sooo good talking to you this morning/last night!! you were getting a tea from star bucks and i was getting a hot chocolate from my kitchen!!! You didnt half make me giggle!! please look after yourself!! im glad to see you made it back from movie world alive!!
i have to say to everyone i was slightly concerned beeca would end up braking something there!!! CLUTS!!!!
cant believe you are going to NZ!! JEALOUS!! i like your saying its a holiday in a holiday!!!!! NICE!!
spk soon chicken! look after your self
Nan And Grandad P
Hi Rebecca, Thks for your Mobile no...We got back from Blackpool yesterday and were able to read your Thursdays and Fridays blog and we have just seen yours today..you certainly have been around and in the wars...we are pleased you have met a lot of nice people and that you have had offers to stay with some of them. We will write again later...Take care..love fro Nan and Grandad P......X X X
Olivia - I havent heard that for so long! It sounded good! Miss you GEEKER! I hope every is okay at work and outside of work (if you know what I mean) - Im sure we have so much to talk about and catch up on!
Debi - Thanks for your message bubbs! I miss you too! Give me a call today (Saturday) sometime. Im at Australia Zoo, on my own (!), but will have my phone on me! I hope your new job is okay and you are settling in okay? Say hi to Craig for me!
Love you all! xx
Debi Smith
Hi Babes,
Sorry I havent written for a whiel I started my new job this week so its been crazy! i love your stories! but I really cannot imgine you camping! and thanks for the lovely thoughts of you C*****ing in the woods!! NICE!!!
Im going to try adn call you on saturday I really miss your voice!! :( your photos are amazig by the way!!
miss you heaps be safe
Hi Rebecca,
Things are still looking good, remember the things that you are doing now you may never get the chance in your life to do again, every day is different for you at the moment and the memories will stay with you a life time.
Mising you. Love mum. xxxx
Olivia Holmes
Hey Rebecca,
Lovely too hear your voice, have missed it so much!! :-) Call me when ever you need too - what ever time, my phone is always on loud.
Keeping Smiling Geeker!! Bet you have not heard that in a while eh?
Miss you loads.... Like you wouldnt believe :-(
Love always
Olivia xxxxxxxxx
Hi Becs,
Keep chin your up, we all feel sorry for ourselves sometime or other. Remember you are doing what many, many people only dream of. Make the most of it. Enjoy yourself and stay safe.
Love Jane and Den
Miss you all too!
Hope you are all okay.
I cant wait to see you all when I get home...
Rebecca x
hope your having a good timee.. it sounds exciting lol..