Glad you are having fun and making loads of friends.
When are we going to see some videos then ?
Miss you loads xx
Hi Rebecca,
Well it all looks so fantastic, you could make a movie out of what's happened to you (a real blockbuster). Your days seem to be getting better and better, good on ya. It's pouring with rain and very windy here so your not missing anything. Sorry I missed your texts. Have a fantasic weekend and I'm looking forward to your next blog and photo's. Take care. all the love in the world.
Hi Damon.
Love Mum. xxx
i swear you go looking for all of these holes in boats and general dodgy situations! You're a stunt gal and didnt even realise it!
Sounds amazing as usual and the Whitsundays sounds like a must...
Have a good weekend,
Damo XX
Hi Rebecca,
It`s great to read your updates and look and the photos! (Isn`t it wonderful to be able to stay in touch via the internet and your blog? If you had done this trip 20 years ago, I would have still been waiting for your first postcard!)
The weather here is still foul, wet and getting quite chilly.
Have fun and stay safe on your sailing trip and don`t forget to put on that sun cream!
Take care.
Love Marion x
Olivia Holmes
Just going through the texts from last night...
Rebecca text Olivia at 7.20am (Aus time) - to say she was hungover.
Olivia replied too Rebecca about 5 minites after receiving this message.
Rebecca then replied to Olivia's reply about 10 minutes after, making it 7.35am in Australia, saying " I had a really good night, thank you! We are drinking already, hair of the dog" etcetc...
Do love you and miss you soooooooooooo much!!
Can't wait till your home...
<3 <3 <3
My geeker
Hi Rebecca,
It was lovely yo hear your voice today, even though I had trouble understanding what you were saying..........Oooophs I feel another bad head coming on. Oh dear what with your bad knees and wrist it's a receipe for disaster, you need to wrap yourself in bubble wrap. Take care please Rebecca. I'm so looking forward to finding out what's happened on Whitsunday Island, you are so going to find England boring when you return. I'm loving the pictures, the beaches look spectacular.
Love you. Mum xxxx
Katie Harris
Hi you,
Bob and I have just been looking at all your pictures, i miss you like crazy. I will have so mcuh to catch up on when i get back from my holiday, at least i don't need to buy a new book i read this at bedtime now!!!
Baby is getting bigger already and really trying to move.
When are yo coming home my eye brows are look awful akready. HELP!!!!!.
Love you xxx
Hiya, all i can say is OH MY GOD!!!
You are so funny the things you have got up to, and hows your wrist? ok i hope.
It all looks amazing and so much fun, enjoy it hunny, we miss you, keep safe. Emma and Jamie. xxxxxxx
Debi Smith
Hey Miss Williams!
Firstly as the typical mumsy person that I am please make sure you wrist is ok.
well I start my new job on Monday and your not here to help me! Im now P.A to the Vice President of Sales for EMEA for Intercontinental Hotels Group!! GET IN!!! im sooooooooo excited but wish you were here to help me celebrate.
I went to Windsor Farm Shop the other day and it so reminded me of the crazy day we had there last summer! God we brought so much food!
You sound like you are doing so much! I am really jealopus that your on the sailing trip round Whitsundays, that was my dream I wanted to do that when we were out but we didnt get a chance to do it. Please Please take some amazing pictures.
My bros coming out in 6 weeks! I swear everyone is leaving me to go to Aus!!
keep safe please I need you back in one piece!!
Love as always
Olivia Holmes
Rebecca Williams..
Wow, you really are having the most amazing time, you have done so much in so little time, and you still are going to do so much more.
I hope the wrist is OK!! :-S.
Got so much too tell you.. God we are going to go on for hours and hours when you get back.
So working out there and looking for a place maybe? By the sounds of things you wont be coming home in the new year?! What ever you do, remember this is your home & you are coming home. LOL!!
Miss you like crazy geeker
Love always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Karen Hodgson
Hey Becs - how ya doing?
Miss you like crazy!
Sounds like you are having a ball!
Watch out for the dodgy men and make sure you keep condoms handy!