Fantastic to hear your voice today, we are all missing you like crazy. s***ing in the woods....Mmmmm, sounds different, although was there a time when you had rolling road block from the Police on the A3 and was there a bush involved? I don't know......what are mum's like!
It sounds as if your plans are coming together. Brisbane next on your time table sounds good. Keep up the good work. Keep safe.
Love you. Mum. xxxxx
Hey Mini me!
Great to hear all your fantastic stories.I can tell that you are having a really good time! When are you meeting up with George?
Here is all fine no real gossip to be honest.2 days to go and I am going on holiday for a week. Jippie!!!
Enjoy and will email you when I am bak from holiday!
Margot x
s***ting in the woods, talk about living the dream!!!! haha
love ya. xxx
Emma, Jamie and boys
Ive been missing my morning updates for a few days now, cant wait to see what you have been upto, or should i say what you have'nt been upto!!!
Keep safe, enjoy the sunshine, i forgot what the sun feels like!!
All our love Emma, Jamie and boys. xxxxxx
Hi Rebecca,
Well it's very strange not hearing fom you, my daily dose of reading about your antics is suffering. We can't wait to see what's happened to you while off roading (oh my god.......they have let you loose on a 4x4), hope you have managed to get some sleep. Please let us all know what you've been up to as asap, we're looking forward to it. I imagine you have meet some more good friends (don't forget...we want the gossip).
Hope your having the time of your life.
Love, kisses and hugs. Mum. xxxxx
Nan W
Hi Bec,
Dad and Jane are keeping me up to date with your frolics, hope you took enough knicks with you to last. Make sure you have a cushion with your 4 wheel drive, if it's like the ride Grandad and I had in the States, it's gonna be one hell of a bumpy ride, especially with your burnt bum!!! Behave yourself, famous last words, take care
Thinking of you,
Lots of love Nan W.
ps. please can you send us some sunshine.x
Hi Bec, Im glad your having a wicked time and why didnt you get on the back of the bikes!!!!! You would have loved it wearing those leathers!!
Were all fine and enjoying reading your blog over breakfast every morning, Take care babes.
Emma,Jamie and Boys. xxxxx
Hey hun, hope you all good? it sounds like you are having an amazing time, it will be good to see more pic's, well take care and speak soon xxx
Hello miss Williams
I Laughed so much when i read you had burnt your arse !. It could only happen to you . So you are going camping cant wait to read your blog about that . Loving the blogs and pictures i smile every time i read them your are so funny with the things you getting up to . Getting stuck in toilets in planes and buses. Stuck in a lift and then falling down the hole on the boat it could only happen to you MB!!!
Be safe and look after yourself Miss you xx
Hi Rebecca!
It looks and sounds as if you are having a fantastic time! You`ve done so much already!
The trip on the boat looked fun, what amazing beaches, fish and corals you`re seeing!
The trip on the bus for two days will give you time to catch up on your sleep, before you go driving that jeep/van and give your sunburn time to ease a little. (What is it with you and getting a burnt bottom?)
Stay safe and keep all the info and pictures coming.
Have fun! Love Marion x
Hi Rebecca,
It was lovely to speak to you today on the phone, hope your bus journey went quickley. You must be wearing your back pack out with all your comings and goings. So, if I can remember rightly you must be in Frazer Island now.......lets see what you get up to here!
Take Care, Love you. Mum. xxx
Nan And Grandad P
Hi Rebecca...We have been reading all your blogs and we get a good laugh at the antics that you have been getting into...We are pleased that you you have been and will be going to so many places...please take care. We will be going to Blackpool for a few days on Monday but we will try to keep reading your blogs...Take care..we often think about you...Love Nan and Grandad....XXX