I'm not sure if you got my email yesterday coz the laptop threw a paddy as I sent the message, but I hope your keeping well and still having lots of fun. Have a great time in New Zealand and we will speak when you get back to Aussie.
Love you. Mum. xxxxxx
Olivia Holmes
Just got your text...
I love you too :-)
Miss you! Miss you! Miss you!
Im having a wicked time though!
Love to you all. xxx
Hi Rebecca,
It all looks and sounds amazing. With all thast you have been up to it sounds as if you need a holiday (ha ha). Well done you, keep up all the good things that you are doing. Every day I look at your blog it makes me speechless and proud of all the things that you have done and achieved.
Keep safe my little traveller.
Love you. Mum. xxxxx
Marion Garner
Hi Rebecca!
I`ve just read your tour to New Zealand, it sounds amazing! I`m reading your blog everyday. You must be exausted!
Don`t be too upset about losing your memory stick, as all the photos from friends look good.
Take care, stay safe and have fun!
Love Marion x P.S. I`m just off to work!
Debi Smith
miss u chicken x
Hi Rebecca,
Sorry to here that you lost your memory card, maybe you should leave your phone number with the people where you lost your card, you never know someone may hand it back (Mmmmm). Anyway, how are you apart from that? I can't beleive that you have been gone 4 weeks already. I bet your having a blast, still at least the long coach trips give you a chance to sober up and rest. Still missing you loads....
Love you. Mum. xxxxx
Olivia Holmes
I miss you :-( xxx
Olivia Holmes
How is your head this morning Miss Williams?! :-) xxxx
Hi Rebecca,
I bet your getting excited about your 'Holiday' to New Zealand. I hope your getting enough sleep and keeping well. Your address book will be full of new friends by the time you get home.
Speak soon. Love you. Mum. xxxx
Lovely too speak to you yesterday babes!
Miss you sooooooo much.....
Gutted I'm not there with you :-(
Speak soon xxxxx
your phtos are so lush, looks like you is having a wicked time, will ring you soon sweety for a chat, we havent spoken for ages!