Still having fun then, It is very strange not hearing from you. Hope all is well.
Missing you. Mum. xx
Debs - I have no credit until I get back to Australia because Vodafone are being ridiculous! I cant send messages or receive calls without credit - can you email me?
Oh dear, I hope you had some clean underwear on........ I don't know, you spend half your time sitting around on the beach half naked or posting pictures of your cleavage in the internet, and then complain when some nice Australian man wants to feel you up!......... Still, surely it can only get better!
Have a splediferiferous time in NZ and tell that bloke to close the door on the bog. Nobody needs that kind of visual abuse!
Debi Smith
hey babes,
sounds likee you had a complete nightmare the other day at the airports! glad you made it though!
Photos look cool! Im gonna call you next week but how far in advance in hours are you? Need to talk to you about something.
Hi Rebecca,
It was lovely to speak to you today, Have a smashing time in New Zealand. Keep safe.
Love you. Mum. xx
Marion Garner
Hi Rebecca!
I`m pleased to hear that you are now safely in New Zealand, but so sorry to hear of your awful experience at Brisbane Airport. (You must have been quite frightened!)
Stay safe Rebecca! Have fun!
Love Marion x
Olivia Holmes
WOW! Your time getting on that place sounds like a night mare, oh my god!!
Hope your ok, sorry I had to get off facebook so quickly earlier, had to go to work!!
Speak soon Chicken.
Loves you xxx
I can see you're having lots of fun and bet you don't miss us one bit ! Have a great time in New Zealand .. it's a fab country and yes you have to try the bunjee jumping. You'll love it !
Love Carmella
PS. Are you sure they'll let you back into Australia again !!
Marion Garner
Have a WONDERFUL time in New Zealand Rebecca!!!
Love Marion x
Hi honey glad things are going well, we all miss you loads
Emma, Jamie, Boys. xxxxx
Debi Smith
my god, hope you got my texts!! I may be commenting on the same things as Olivia is (not too sure!) but very jealous!! looking good!!
You seem to be having an amazing time babes! very jealous!! My brother is coming out to Sydney on the 5th November I think! Its like everyone is departing down under!
Olivia Holmes
Just got your text, so came on straight away!
I am right about now so JEALOUS of you!! LOL...
Looks like you had an AMAZING night!!!! (Feels like I was there, looking through those photos - so many memories! LOL)