You have beaten me only freefall was over water and it was from about 1000 ft..We are glad that you have done have done so much in the last few weeks than most people do in a lifetime..we look forward to your blogs because we never know what you are going to do next...take care and look after yourself..we hope to talk to you on skype when you get back to Nan and Grandad XXX
Marion Garner
Hi Rebecca!
I`ve just read your latest blog and what a SURPRISE! Rebecca, it bought a tear to my eyes, the way you described your skydive. You are very brave and I`m sure it was better to just see if you could book it and do it, rather than have too much time to think about it.
The confidence you are gaining from this trip will last you a life time, after all these wonderful experiences and pushing yourself to your limits, I`m sure you will in the future, often think that if you have been able to do all these amazing things, you can do whatever is in front of you! (You should be VERY proud of yourself!)
Thinking of you. Stay safe and have fun! Love Marion x
Thinking of you. Stay safe and have fun!
Debi Smith
OH MY GOD!! how on earth did you manage to do that! Im very impressed I would never of done taht not in a million years!! The photos looked so good! You are so barve! What an amazing experience!
Keep the blogs coming! Im loving them! Really missing you now though babes :( cant wait till your back in oz! Only so I can call you and hear your voice!!
I still cannot beleive you did it!!
Miss you, stay safe and have fun
Mum & Dad
Hi Rebecca,
Well, well, well, fantastic, what an absolute amazing memory you have created. Your braver than me, I probably WOULD crap my pants.
Well done Rebecca. Missing you. Stay safe. Mummy. xxxxxxx
Hi Rebecca,
One week down, one to go. I hope your knees are ok. Stay safe my love. New Zealand doesn't know how lucky it is.
Love you. Mum. xxxxx
Hiya Becs,
Wow, you are certainly seeing life down under. What an experience, pleased you are having fun and meeting lots of new friends on your way around both Ausie and NZ. Your pics are amazing and obviously your blogs as well, we chuckle every time we log on. You are an accident waiting to happen. Part and parcel of your Williams handle I believe.
Take care, have lotsa fun and STAY SAFE.
Love and best wishes,
Jane and Den xxx
Debi Smith
ok im sorry but u so need to come home!! not really but i miss u :(
Olivia Holmes
God.. I miss you babe..
My number has changed again, let's just say a night out in Windsor (Olivia falling off a brick wall & being left un able to walk & phone less) HAHAHAHA...
My new number is: 07528 672477
Miss you loads & Love you loads
Olivia xxxx
I love you Mum!
Thanks for all of my messages - theyve been running a bit dry! Its so frustrating not having my phone to keep in contact with you - its actually been off for a week now - impressive huh?!
Rebecca x
Hi Rebecca,
Mmmmm you are so funny. It must be so exhausting having all this fun. Keep going girl. Missing you loads. Love You. Mummy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Debi Smith
OH MY GOD!! Only you could find what was probably the only fire extinguisher on the bus and set it off!!! How much of a disaster zone are you! I think I may warn the English Authorites - dont let her back in!!! heheh!!
I miss you chicken, I hate the fact I cant text or call you :( but glad your having what seems to be a wicked time out in NZ.
I cant beleive you are going on an 8 hour trek!! Are you feeling ok!!!!!
Hiya Bec, Hope all is well and dandy, were all good here but miss you loads, cant wait for more updates, its better than eastenders!!!!