This morning we visited the Cape Otway Lighthouse. It is located on the very southern tip of Victoria where the Bass Strait and the Southern Ocean meet. Before the lighthouse was built in 1848 there had been 700 shipwrecks along these shores. Many ships tried to hug too close to the AU shore as they aimed to sail between Australia and Tasmania.
We then moved along the Great Ocean Road. This was the first time on our trip we ran into crowds. The small beach towns were packed with people. It was again beautiful weather so everyone seemed to head to the beaches. We had hoped to stay one more night along this road but due to unavailability of hotels we moved on to Melbourne. It will give us a full day tomorrow to check out this town.
We contacted our camper van company in Christchurch NZ and they said the company was open and we should be able to pick up the van on Monday. Although she was helpful you could sense the preoccupation and stress with the situation in this city. We will proceed with flying there as planned on Monday.
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