47°42.8' N003°57.8 W Thursday, 25th June
The Glenans. We are still here, the spot is idyllic. Had a lovely birthday, thank you everyone for cards, messages, presents, etc.BBQ'd steak for dinner looking out over white sands. We were joined on Tuesday by Gina and Keith on HR36 Aspen. We have shared a couple of days of meals, pootling about in the dinghy and walking the seashores of a couple of the islands. The islands have coral remains and, alledgedly, still a live coral reef whose exact location is kept secret for conservation. There are several flower species unique to the islands. They have no source of fresh water, no mod cons and have not been spoiled. The Glenans Sailing school operates from about 4 of the islands, so a common sight is lots of brightly coloured sails flitting past as youngsters learn how to handle dinghies, catamarans and sailboards.
Now in need of hot water, food top up and wifi access, so heading back to Loctudy to meet up with Margaret & Roger on Magnetic Attraction. They are also heading off across Biscay, although they want to make landfall further south than us and work their way back up. We are starting high and working our way down. For now, we are both watching weather for the ideal slot and would be nice to at least set off in company. They are bigger than us though (41 ft and steel), so faster.
Friday 26th June. Had super dinner on board Magnetic Attraction last night - fresh langoustines. More yum. Will have to return the favour with oysters tonight!
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