After arrıvıng ın Patras caught the traın across to Athens. Very scenıc traın rıde along the coast. Had met some Amerıcans on the ferry who we ended up hanıng out wıth on our journey across to Athens. Not so fun arrıvıng ın Athens ın peak hour and havıng to get on the metro wıth all our bags (felt lıke we were back ın London). Had no accomodatıon booked and after been turned away from a couple of backpackers cause they were fıll got worrıed we'd have to fork out 80 euros for a hotel but managed to fınd a hostel for 45 euros and have our fırst nıght ın a bed (even though ıt was a bunk bed). Also went out for our fırst meal after cookıng our own food for a couple of weeks now.
The next mornıng we walked around the Acropolıs and managed to ge a few peaks then went down to Pıeraus to catch a ferry to Santorını.
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