I am awakening. I am becoming a vegetarian. Going deeper into meditations. I was feeling terrible on a bus ride during the week, and I turned my head slightly to the left and saw on the side of a passing shack read "DRINK WATER". I drank water and felt 100 times better.
The Kumba Mehla Festival is the largest gathering of people in the world. Largest in the world. I have spent over 2 months in India and my knowledge of the Hindu religion can be summed up in just a few sentences. There are a lot of gods. Many people tell me it's a way of life and not a religion. And they really follow traditions. Overall, I was happy that I attended the event, but to me it was not peaceful. There was too much chaos, but an ncredible thing happened on the way back from the festival.
I was about to get on a bus back to Rishikesh, when I felt moved to go on another one. I sat in the seat and noticed the rest of the bus were in a group together. They were all yoga teachers from Iran, who had come to India to become further qualified in yoga. The whole group had such a friendly and peaceful feeling about them. They sang Indian songs and Iranian songs just for me on the ride back. They invited me to dinner afterwards and then to a rafting and yoga overnight trip in the mountains. I would assume and guess that many people in the world have a skewed view about Iranians. But, really look to experience, have you ever met an Iranian. I have met some before this, and really every single one of them have been the most kind-hearted people in the world. That's why, look to experience, not to what someone else has told you about the world. And that goes for every subject existing.
Sometimes I wonder why I make a decision, or what guides me to somewhere. And on this trip, all of my questions are answered. Beautiful.
I am happy and living in the moment as best as I can. All is light and all is love. The people you meet are the difference, it is the only difference in life. So, my friend, if I haven't told you that you mean a lot to me, let me take this opportunity to tell you that you mean everything. My friends mean everything to me. My family members are my friends too. My friends are my family as well. I used to think that traveled for the sights and the sounds, but really I travel for the people. The memories that I can co-create with these souls in this life are everything. I meet beautiful souls on the road, much like the beautiful souls I have met in America durng my life. I am the luckiest person in the world. "Luckiest" in the sense that I have everything I could ever want. My life has been a joyful experience. I have so many great friends that swell my heart up to think about them.
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