Had a lie in and woke up at 7am which was bliss. We drove for 2hours before arriving in Swakopmund at a hostel, Amanpuri, where we were going to stay at for 2 nights….finally a bed!For the next 2 days nothing was really scheduled in so we booked some outdoor activities and went straight away for skydiving.It was great fun as everyone cheered each other on, even the ones who came to watch ended up jumping off the plane at 10,000 feet with a freefall of 5,000 feet in 30 seconds!!!The day flew by and none of us had eaten since breakfast so were starving still at 9pm when the food finally arrived at Napolitana! After dinner we all went clubbing at Swakop Lodge, where we were taught the Springbok dance to go along with the springbok shooter!Was an awesome day and still on an adrenaline rush on getting into bed at midnight…the latest we have slept so far during this trip.Also shared a dorm for the first time with 12 other people!
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