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livingstone, Zambia

New blog entry posted
livingstone, Zambia

New blog entry posted
livingstone, Zambia

New blog entry posted
livingstone, Zambia

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Choebe, Botswana
lars Hello from Germany! I hope you have done the bungi from the bridge! Or were you scared!? ;-)
re: livingstone, ZambiaRupen Rach - I bet you are now looking for a decent room and home made food. Dont worry mummy will have a lovely meal ready for you - mum reckons guuvaar nu shaak - but I am not convinced
re: livingstone, ZambiaRupen Rach fantastic sunset photo - better enlarge when you come back
re: Fish River Canyon, NamibiaRupen cant believe you were drinking illegal brew - just wait till I tell Papa
re: Springbok, South AfricaJob Muriuki Your supposed to last at least a week without a shower! It's all part of the adventure and hot water guys are too spoiled out there.
re: Etosha National Park, Namibiasonal i wish i was there hope the pics do carefull you two stop galavanting if it too windy.
re: Cape Town, South Africa- last visited

- travel plan
- Cape Town, South Africa
Rupen Rach - I bet you are now looking for a decent room and home made food. Dont worry mummy will have a lovely meal ready for you - mum reckons guuvaar nu shaak - but I am not convinced
lars Hello from Germany! I hope you have done the bungi from the bridge! Or were you scared!? ;-)