I have less than 2 weeks left in Australia. The last month has gone so quickly and I have actually been kept very busy! Even the weekends have been busy! It's been a bit of a blur. Aaron received his Australian passport and then had to send it off to get his UK visa. This took a while. In the meantime, we decided to just bite the bullet and go ahead and book the tour to Southeast Asia that I so badly wanted to do. We leave Adelaide for Bangkok on 27th July. The tour takes in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos and is of a 4 week duration. I'm so looking forward to it, but also just looking forward to having everything organised and finalised so we can just leave. I'm fed up of the paperwork now! As soon as Aaron's passport arrived with his UK visa in it, we had to send it off to Canberra again, with mine to get our Vietnam visas. We got the passports back the other day and are hanging on to them for a while!
As far as fun things go, I've attended my 4th wedding while over in Australia. That's four weddings, but fortunately no funeral! It was Aaron's cousin's wedding and was lovely. A few nights where some of Aaron's friends have got together have been nice. Aaron's indoor cricket team have made the grand final, which is this Friday. A lot of my time has been spent with Aaron's family and chilling I suppose. Aaron's cousin, Shimoen set off on her own adventure recently, so she'll be in Europe when Aaron and I are which will be nice for all of us!
I got another bad throat infection a couple of weeks ago. I was ill for a whole week. The antibiotics didn't work this time. I had more tests done and nothing showed up, again! I've been having an accelerated course of vaccinations for Asia as it was pretty last minute booking the tour. I have my last injection next week.
We are going to be arriving in London on 27th Aug in the morning and can't wait to see everybody back home. I think a small party may be in order! I will be putting up pictures and trying to get time to update my blog while we're on the tour. It shouldn't be a problem as I've read that there is lots of internet access where we're going. Keep your eyes peeled for jobs for the both of us when we get to England! xxx
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