Well, you certainly have started off you trip with a bang! I am looking forward to reading all your posts, and will pass on to Nan and Grandad
love auntie alison xxx
Good to see you are getting stuck in - remember you have a whole year though!
Lovely to see you are enjoying yourself.
Where are you off to tomorrow?
Hey you,
Glad to hear you have arrived safely!!!!
Looking forward to hearing your great adventure stories! Bet your looking forward to doing Monument Valley tomorrow so jealous!!!!
Looking forward to seeing your pics.
Work been nice and busy, lots of bookings woohoo.
Take Care and be safe.
Miss you already!!!
Love Emma
Great to see so many messages already being left for you. Great to get our first blog since your arrival in US of A. Hope you had a better night's sleep yesterday. We slept very well as we had both drunk too much wine at Mark and Donna's last night!
Love Dad x
can't believe you've actually gone!
hope flight was good, let us know how hostel is
luv mum xx
Byeeee!! I know I'm seeing you tommorrow, but I'm starting the goodbyes now so that I start to get used to the idea lol.. You have fun now lol and as much as I hope you meet an Ozzy surfer dude to sweep you off your feet -- you better come home!!! Love you Rach, SjL xx xx
Have a wonderful time. I'm really envious, oh to be 22 again!!!!
Love Beverley
Take care Rach and have a great time, all the best
One of the Amigos
Not long now!
bet you cant wait x
lol...you did tell me you lived in the middle of nowhere....i see your point.