Good luck with the room hunting. Make the most of the next few days before starting work and would love to see some more of your photos.
Much love
Auntie Alison
glad to hear about the job - I'm afraid all the Neighbours people are a mystery to me! But certainly sounds like you are having a good time - keep it up!
Diana - I have sent the notes from mum to Rachel using the email facility so wont appear on the message board
well done for getting a job. nanna and grandad say hi, just had lunch at the white horse and it was v busy. have you received email from nanna as she is not on the message board?
enjoy the next few days, love you lots mum and dad x
Congratulations on the job!!!! Fantastic news!! xxxxxxxxx
Got your text this morning, but I don't really want to find out how much it will cost to reply..! The Neighbours thing sounds really cool!! But would be better if you still watched it lol!! Oh, we've sorted our aerial out, so I can finally watch neighbours on channel 5!!! Yay!!
Anyhoo, got lots of workies to be getting on with..
Love you Rachey-poos !! Hopefully sees ye in October still - let me know your thoughts on your prospects of being around then please lol
Love Sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi there
you sound as though you are having great fun, especially with decent weather now! Bit concerned about the weather you had in christchurch as chris and I hope to be there this time next year and I definately dont fancy the weather you experienced!!!
Our friends daugher is in Melbourne for a few months and staying in one of the backpackers. You never know it could be the same one as you. Her name is Pippa Hobday, she is 19 (20 in June) and travelling with her friend Jenny. They are intending to stay for a few months and is looking for work also. Keep an eye out for her, she's lovely and great fun!
Looking forward to watching your dad and chris at brands on sunday although perhaps melbourne and grand prix sounds more exciting (hope they read this or I wont be popular!)
take care
beverley x
how annoying about the hotel job, agencies don't need to be so careless, i'm sure. staying on for longer sounds good, don't forget to talk to sarah as she was going to join you somewhere for your birthday.
enjoy your racing, and hopefully we will enjoy ours!
mum xx
Glad to hear that the weather has eventually stopped raining and now very hot.
Hope you find some work so that you can continue with your trek. Next Sunday, Chris and I are racing at Brands Hatch so you can think of us when you see Hamilton going around in circles in Melbourne. Hope you have a really great time.Look forward to seeing some of your photography soon.
Lots of love Mum and Dad
Rachel that's disgusting - I hope you didn't do that!!! I slept in my clothes last night (well I say last night lol it was from about 3.45 to 6.25) and there is no way I could of gone out in them afterwards!!!!! Lol you little minger!
Hope all is well with you and you enjoyued your early start!!!
Love SjL xxxxxxxxxxx
so, you''re onsouth island now. sounds very nice and seems you had lots to see due to the delays unfortunately. glad you're ok and sarah told me about your 'chat'. love mum x
bonjour! france was nice and relaxing.
have caught up with all your blogs, your enthusiasm is catching! you are definitely enjoying nearly everything you see and do. I don't think you have the money/stamina/stomach for a full blown medical degree, just stick to the radiology one.
just wondering if there is a time limit on us looking at your blogs, or will they always be available? uncle jerry and co sent their love, they've been v poorly recently.
lots of love from mum and dad xx
errm Rach i think you will probably have to do a gazillion year med school thing to get that sort of money!!! fair enough you'll be loaded by 30, but depends if you want to sacrifice that much for some money later on.. just buy as few lotto tickets lol !! xxx
Glad you are enjoying the antipodean way of life down under. It seems that you have had some warmer weather recently though still wet!
Everyone here is fine and enjoying reading your blogs. We are off to Brittany tomorrow so look forward to seeing what you have been up to on our return next week.Take care, much love,Mum and Dad