well, I can't keep up with all that you are doing! It certainly sounds like you are having a whale of a time. Look after yourself you don't want to get sick again! Me and John are off away this weekend to Portsmouth for my birthday - looking forward to that but as your mum says not quite the same as your trip!
take care of yourself
love auntie alison xxx
my messages are getting a bit boring as i keep saying it all sounds exciting, but it does!!
sounds like you're spending lots of money, no change there then!
how long is your flight to new zealand? have a good time.
we are off the france next sunday. not quite the same, but it suits us.
will send you an email in a mo
lots of love
mum xx
...but do they have flappy heads and beady little eyes...???
Are you feeling any better now? Let me know if you have msn and we can meet up - I'm out Friday thoe - got an Ann Summers partay lol with workie girlies.
Love yooooo !! xxxxxx
Photos at last...all 4 of them! At least it wasn't raining at Alcatraz judging by the blue sky.
Free internet and free meals no wonder your spending time down at the shops.
Take care
Hi Rachel,
Just catching up with your blog - not had time recently to read it as we have been busy looking after Tasha who had to have emergency surgery last week. She is fine and recovering really well and the path lab report yesterday gave us the wonderful news that she is fine.
We are knackered by this and apparently I had a birthday last week but have not really had time to even open the cards !! Look forward to catching up on your adventures shortly.
Uncle Jerry
your trek sounds amazing but tiring. what a pity about Yosemite. i'm definitely looking forward to the piccies. i wonder who's reading my e-mails, because it certainly isn't me!
p.s. had a good day with beverley and chris and they were telling us about michael's trip. he went the other way around, doing states last.
mum x
p.s. had a good day with beverley and chris and they were telling us about michael's trip. he went the other way around, doing states last.
mum x
it all sounds very high brow, not what i expected at all! what good value for the pass though. no emails yet, remember the zero
mum xx
I'm using your AOL email address. It turns out yes it is supposed to be raining here according to my guidebook. Never mind!
you're certainly keeping yourself busy and enjoying international cuisine! no sign of any emails yet, which address are you using?
is it supposed to be so raining in San Fransicso?
if you decide to send photos home dad might be able to find a way to upload them to the website for you.
lots of love
mum xx
really glad you're having such a good time. definitely looking forward to seeing the pics