Sorry about the long time since I last updated. Computers slow and too hot in there! So I now have to remember what I did last week....
I arrived in to Wellington and had a wander round before going to bed. In the morning I got all my beach stuff into my bag and was all ready to hit the beach and I got outside....and it was cold and overcast!
So I went to the Te Papa Museum instead which was free!!! And really good. I was a bit disappointed they're doing over their interactive bit so I didn't get to do a virtual bugjy jump! Would have been the closest I would get to doing a real one! There is just no chance in hell!! I spent most of the morning in the museum and then when I came out it was raining to I went back to the hostel having not brought a rainjacket only bikini and towel! Spent most of rest of afternoon in room talking to Kayley who was in the bunk under me. I then popped to supermarket to buy more food and then had dinner and hot cross buns for after! Yummy! And they dont put peel in it so even better! Think I watched the tv for a bit and then some boys put the movie "John Q" on with Denzel Washington. Was quite good. Went to bed about 11.30pm.
The next day it was warmer and I decided to take a wonder around. I walked up through the shops and went to the Parliament Buildings and took a tour round. I think I know more now about the New Zealand Parliment than the UK one! Somehow it was now 5pm and I wandered back along through the crowds of people going home from work as they all finish so early here! I then found a bench in a park in the sun and read my book until the sun went behind a building and it got cool. I then had pot noodle for dinner before going up to the "terrace lounge" (a couple of sofas next to a little balcony) and reading my book again. I've read so many books now it's silly! The last one only took me about 5 hours to read if that! I then heard a concert starting and remembered a stage being set up in the park opposite and so i decided to go and investigate. There was a band called OpShop playing. Apparently they're quite famous in New Zealand as people were screaming and singing along! They were quite good and did some covers and some of their own material. Glad I went. It finished before ten and I just went and read in bed until it was time to go to sleep.
Tuesday I slept in til about lunchtime and just spent the day having a wander along the seafront and through the shops. Not really a productive day! But I'm on holiday so not guilty! I did go and see Old St Pauls Church which was built in the 1800s out of native NZ timber but in the Gothic style. Was beautiful inside but took 5 mins to have a look at. That evening I just watched the tv and Ocean's 12 was on the telly so we watched that and then I watched Haunted Homes which was funny.
Wednesday was my last day so I decided to get the Cable Car up to the Botanical Gardens. I got in the cable car and it took us up through a tunnel under part of the CBD and then up through a park to the top. I then had to wait for it to come down so I could take the postcard shot of the cable car going down the hill with the city and the harbour in the background. Was an amazing view from up there. Could see for miles, the city, the beach, the harbour/sea. I then walked along the downhill path to the city through the gardens which were really nice. So loud through due to all the cicadas in the trees. I managed to get a photo of one and I took some video so I can show people how loud they are! Dad, I've turned in to you and now keep taking pictures of flowers! Ah! I'm getting old! They had some lovely lillies and a rose garden with loads of different colours. They also had a tropical house which had some plants and flowers I've never seen before including orchids and some stuff I don't know what it's called! I then got an ice lolly and walked back down in to the city and back to the hostel where I had to pack. I just read my book that night ready to get up at 6am on Thursday/yesterday.
So I managed to book a shuttle from the hostel to the ferry terminal which was helpful although I had to stand all the way as there were hardly any seats. I got to the ferry in plenty of time and checked in my bags not to see them again until I got off the train in Christchurch! A little bit scary since my life is in that backpack! The ferry journey didn't seem like the 3 hours it was. I sat inside for a bit and read and then I got a cup of tea before spending the rest of the time outside. I managed to burn my forehead and nose because it was windy but the sun was really strong! It hurts a bit! Must remember not to scratch my head! It'll be sore! There were some beautiful views to be had from the ferry as we travelled along through a fiord to the harbour of Picton. Which I got to see more of that I was supposed to as the train left three hours late. It got stuck on its way because the brakes broke! So it arrived at 2.45pm instead on 12.15 and we left about 3.30pm instead of 1pm as they had to fix the train! Once we got going it wasn't a too bad journey although the seats weren't that comfy. The headrest was too high for me really and it couldn't be adjusted. I spent some time on the outside view platform which was like a cowshed on wheels at the back of the train! It had a roof but open at the sides with bars at the bottom. It was a bit windy at times but we got to see the Pacific Ocean and sheep and rabbits etc. Was really cool.
We eventually arrived in Christchurch at the station in some random suburb at about 9.30pm. By the time we got our luggage and I got in a shuttle it was 10.10pm by the time we left the station. I go to the hostel about 10.30pm and checked in and then wondered around a bit aimlessly leaving my stuff in strange places before going to bed. But I slept really badly as it's loud here with the windows being open but it's too warm to shut them. Cars racing round, music playing, etc and then some more people arrived in the room at god knows what time. Then the two Scottish girls who's been in my room when I arrived left very loudly and slowly about 7am. So i've been awake for a while! Will be sleeping with my ear plugs tonight! Have been speaking to Sarah on MSN this morning which was cool. My gerbil is still alive which is great! And now I need to eat! But only have pot noodle, pickle and salad dressing. Not a good breakfast! May have to find a supermarket. it's 11.25am. I can see the cathedral from outside the window here which is a bit wierd. its very close! Like next door! The hostel is in the very centre of the city. Should be a good place to explore from!
Will try and update a bit more regularly! There were only 5 pcs in the last hostel and it was just too hot in the room to be bothered to spend time in there!
Anyway my stomach rummbling and thinks my throat has been cut so will go and see to that now....
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