Great island this morning (South Plaza) - possibly the best yet. Sea lions and iguanas again, but scenery just awesome. Unfortunately saw a couple of baby sea lion corpses too in various stages of decay (from pretty fresh with crabs eating them, to fairly deflated and dried out).
Jen's stinger marks have shrunken to the size of small golf balls. Still won't tap that.
Swam with sea lions in bay today. Went off by myself to other side where there were some pups and all of a sudden a massive dad appeared and did a barrel roll around me. I got the message and high tailed it
Seen today: s*** load of marine iguanas and sea lions; land iguanas; and hybrid iguanas (like mules between land and marine); some rays and s*** lode of birds
Swam with: sea lions, a ray and heaps of fish. There was a lot of fish today, and snorkelling with sea lions was awesome
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