Tuesday : overcast
After another bad sleep, I got up and put a load of washing on and, then we went down for some breakfast.
The hotels version of a western breakfast is two pieces of toast and a very uncooked runny egg. Leave it to Vegemite to save the day.
We wanted to go see pandas today, but we were both feeling groggy and tired. Instead of catching the early bus to the pandas, we went back to our room and listened to some podcasts and I had like six cups of tea to try an soothe my sore throat.
Morning soon became afternoon and we needed to get lunch. Down at the hostel we had pizza and three big pots of awesome tea. The tea was made up of three yellow tea- tea bags, chopped up apple, orange, lime and Chinese dates. Sitting there we decided to go see the Pandas tomorrow we are having another nice relaxing day instead.
The sore throat had disappeared after that tea. Then we went for a late arftenoon walk and the coughing and soreness was back.
The walk was very good, we went through a music block, restaurant block, night club street and pub street.
Along the river there were plenty of people enjoying the early evening. Plenty of Tai Chi and poker being played. All the bars and old lit up buildings threw off enough light for people to still be out.
Back at the hotel we got cleaned up and then listened to more gervais podcasts and had more tea. Very funny stuff.
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