We eventually left mission beach after having difficulties arranging our whitsundays / fraser island package in the back of Laura & Lucy's campervan. The plan was to stop off at Wallaman falls before arriving at townsville around sun set. wallaman falls is about half way between but about 42k inland and is the largest waterfall in aus. We managed to find it ok then went to the look out point before taking the path to near the bottom of the falls. From there we found a little track leading off the path to the stream leading away from the pool at teh bottom of the falls. We clambered over loads of rocks which were mega slippery leading to many 'near death' experiences and last gasp efforts to climb over big boulders. When we reached a point we could swim into the pool we took off our t-shirts and went for it, whilst hoping that no large reptiles lived in this area. The water was cold and we wore our shoes to protect our feet. We swam out and got some pics of us in the water before returning and starting the ascent back to the camper. The sun was setting as we left and we reached a small town called Ingham where the girls said they were too tired to go on but they said we could sleep in the campervan if we wanted which suited us as the accomodation prices looked very high in our lonely planet book. I ended up sleeping in the drivers seat, pierre in the passenger and ryan cramped up in the back. we went to sleep at about 9 which seemed really late then woke up about 1 when we sat outside to cool off a little. Whilst sitting outside a police car pulled up and very nicely asked us questions about how all of us were in the same camper. We had to make up a little white lie and say that me pierre & ryan had just arrived in town and had nopwhere to stay so got put up by two strangers in their campervan.
We had a laugh with the police officers but we knew as well as they did they didn't believe our little spiel. So we decided it was too risky to continue our venture in the back of the campwervan and so got the premier bus to townsville. Due to our unforseen stop over, it meant we couldn't make it over to magnetic island as we had to get to airlie beach the next day to check in for our whitsundays trip. There isn't much to townsville and weren't bothered by leaving a day after we arrived.
Arriving at airle beach we checked in to Ozsail for our trip aboard the Matador - an ex-racing yacht which was about 85 ft long. The first day of our trip we headed to a spot to scuba dive which was part of the package. On the way the engine broke to the crew had to sail us to our destination. On our dive to about 10m we saw a turtle which we were pleased with as the visiblity was poor about 3-5m which is due to it being around the full moon, meaning tthe coral goes crazy. Evening activities involved drinking cheap fruity wine.
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